
alertentries command

Use this command to manage alert recipients.

  • alertentries with no options display all alert entry settings.
  • alertentries -number -test generates a test alert to the given recipient index number.
  • alertentries -number (where number is 0 - 12) display alert entry settings for the specified recipient index number or allow you to modify the alert settings for that recipient.
alertentries [-options]
Table 1. alertentries command
-[number]Alert recipient index number to display, add, modify, or delete1 through 12
-typeAlert typeemail, syslog
-statusAlert recipient statuson, off
-logInclude event log in alert e-mailon, off
-n [name]Alert recipient nameString
-e [email_address]Alert recipient e-mail addressValid email address
-delDelete specified recipient index number 
-testGenerate a test alert to specified recipient index number 
-ip [ipaddr|hostName]Syslog IP address or host nameValid IP address or host name
-pn [port_number]Syslog port numberValid port number
-crtSets critical events that send alertsall, none, custom:te|vo|po|di|fa|cp|me|in|re|pc|ot

Custom critical alert settings are specified using a pipe separated list of values of the form alertentries -crt custom:te|vo, where custom values are:

  • te: critical temperature threshold exceeded
  • vo: critical voltage threshold exceeded
  • po: critical power failure
  • di: hard disk drive failure
  • fa: fan failure
  • cp: microprocessor failure
  • me: memory failure
  • in: hardware incompatibility
  • re: power redundancy failure
  • pc: critical PCIe events
  • ot: all other critical events
-wrnSets warning events that send alertsall, none, custom:rp|te|vo|po|fa|cp|me|pc|ot

Custom warning alert settings are specified using a pipe separated list of values of the form alertentries -wrn custom:rp|te, where custom values are:

  • rp: power redundancy warning
  • te: warning temperature threshold exceeded
  • vo: warning voltage threshold exceeded
  • po: warning power threshold exceeded
  • fa: non-critical fan event
  • cp: microprocessor in degraded state
  • me: memory warning
  • pc: warning PCIe events
  • ot: all other warning events
-sysSets routine events that send alertsall, none, custom:lo|tio|ot|po|bf|til|pf|ne|au|nl|dh

Custom routine alert settings are specified using a pipe separated list of values of the form alertentries -sys custom:lo|tio, where custom values are:

  • lo: successful remote login
  • tio: operating system timeout
  • ot: all other informational and system events
  • po: system power on/off
  • bf: operating system boot failure
  • til: operating system loader watchdog timeout
  • pf: predicted failure (PFA)
  • ne: network change
  • au: all other audit events
  • nl: host NIC link down/up
  • dh: drive hotplug
system> alertentries
1. test
2. <not used>
3. <not used>
4. <not used>
5. <not used>
6. <not used>
7. <not used>
8. <not used>
9. <not used>
10. <not used>
11. <not used>
12. <not used>

system> alertentries -2
-type: syslog
-status: on
-log: off
-n: syslog
-pn: 514
-crt: all
-wrn: custom:rp|te|vo|po|fa|cp|me|pc
-sys: all