Configuring blade servers
Configuring a blade server involves setting up the SAS storage, installing the operating system, and updating the firmware.
Be sure to refer to the documentation for the blade server that you are configuring. It contains specific instructions that might differ slightly from those listed in this section.
For more information about blade servers, see the blade server documentation. To determine which blade servers are compatible with the BladeCenter S chassis, see the ServerProven Web site.
Although there are several ways to access the blade server, consider using KVM access when you perform the initial setup of a blade server. Attach a monitor to the video connector on the advanced management module. Attach a USB keyboard and mouse to the USB connectors on the advanced management module or the USB connectors on the media tray.
If you are using KVM, you must press the
on the blade server that you are configuring to assign the monitor and keyboard to the blade server.

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