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Device and I/O ports pattern attributes

The following attributes provide information about a device and I/O ports category pattern.

These attributes can be included in the request body for the POST /patterns method and the response body for the GET /patterns/{id}/includeSettings method.

For more information about device and I/O ports patterns, see Defining devices and I/O ports settings.

template_typeStringType of category pattern. This value is always DevicesAndIOPorts.
templateArrayInformation about the system-information category pattern
 consoleRedirectionAndComPortsArrayInformation about console redirection
  cliModeStringCLI mode, if service processor redirection is enabled.
  • Disabled
  • Enable with user-defined keystroke sequence
  • Enable with EMS compatible keystroke sequence
  cliSequenceStringEnter CLI keystroke sequence
  comPort1SettingsArrayInformation about COM port 1 settings
   comPort1StringIndicates wither COM port 1 is enabled or disabled.
   comPort1ActiveAfterBootStringIndicates whether the active after boot is enabled or disabled
   comPort1BaudRateStringBaud rate for COM port 1. This can be one of the following values.
  • 9600
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 57600
  • 115200
   comPort1DataBitsStringData bits. This value can be 5 - 8.
   comPort1FlowControlStringIndicates whether flow control is enabled or disabled
   comPort1ParityStringPort parity. This can be one of the following values.
  • None
  • Odd
  • Even
   comPort1StopBitsStringStop bits. This value can be 1 or 2.
   comPort1TerminalEmulationStringText emulation. This can be one of the following values.
  • ANSI
  • VT100
   setConsoleRedirectionBooleanIndicates whether Console Redirection is enabled or disabled for COM Port 1. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Console Redirection is enabled
  • false. Console Redirection is disabled
  comPort2SettingsArrayInformation about COM port 2 settings
   comPort2StringIndicates wither COM port 2 is enabled or disabled.
   comPort2BaudRateStringBaud rate for COM port 2. This can be one of the following values.
  • 9600
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 57600
  • 115200
   comPort2DataBitsStringData bits. This value can be 5 - 8.
   comPort2ActiveAfterBootStringIndicates whether the active after boot is enabled or disabled
   comPort2FlowControlStringIndicates whether flow control is enabled or disabled
   comPort2ParityStringPort parity. This can be one of the following values.
  • None
  • Odd
  • Even
   setConsoleRedirectionBooleanIndicates whether Console Redirection is enabled or disabled for COM Port 2. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Console Redirection is enabled
  • false. Console Redirection is disabled
   comPort2StopBitsStringStop bits. This value can be 1 or 2.
   comPort2TerminalEmulationStringText emulation. This can be one of the following values.
  • ANSI
  • VT100
  consoleRedirectionStringIndicates whether console redirection is enabled or disabled
  legacyOptionROMStringSerial data port to use for legacy option ROM. This can be one of the following values.
  • COM port 1
  • COM port 2
  remoteConsoleStringIndicates whether the remote console is enabled or disabled
  serialPortAccessModeStringIndicates whether serial over LAN is dedicated or disabled
  serialPortSharingStringIndicates whether serial port sharing is enabled or disabled
 descriptionStringCategory-pattern description
 typeStringType of category pattern. This value is always DevicesAndIOPorts.
 nameStringCategory-pattern name
 userDefinedStringIdentifies whether the category pattern is user define or learned. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The pattern is defined by the user.
  • false. The pattern is predefined by Lenovo.
 uriStringURI identifier for the exported pattern


"template" : {
"consoleRedirectionAndComPorts" : {
"cliMode" : "2",
"cliSequence" : "^[(",
"consoleRedirection" : "Enabled",
"legacyOptionROM" : "COM Port 1",
"remoteConsole" : "Disable",
"serialPortAccessMode" : "Disable",
"serialPortSharing" : "Disable"
"setConsoleRedirection" : true,
"comPort1Settings" : {
"comPort1" : "Enable",
"comPort1ActiveAfterBoot" : "Disable",
"comPort1BaudRate" : "115200",
"comPort1DataBits" : "8",
"comPort1FlowControl" : "Disable",
"comPort1Parity" : "None",
"comPort1StopBits" : "1",
"comPort1TerminalEmulation" : "ANSI",
"setConsoleRedirection" : true
"comPort2Settings" : {
"comPort2" : "Enable",
"comPort2ActiveAfterBoot" : "Disable",
"comPort2BaudRate" : "115200",
"comPort2DataBits" : "8",
"comPort2FlowControl" : "Disable",
"comPort2Parity" : "None",
"comPort2StopBits" : "1",
"comPort2TerminalEmulation" : "ANSI",
"setConsoleRedirection" : true
"description" : "Pattern created from server: Lenovo x240\n
Learned on: Jul 29, 2015 12:08:14 PM",
"name" : "Learned-Devices_IO-2",
"type" : "DevicesAndIOPorts",
"uri" : "\/config\/template\/63",
"userDefined" : true,
"template_type" : "DevicesAndIOPorts",