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Extended-UEFI pattern attributes

The following attributes provide information about an extended-UEFI category pattern.

These attributes can be included in the request body for the POST /patterns method and the response body for the GET /patterns/{id}/includeSettings method.

The settings that are available are dynamic and vary from server to server and adapter to adapter. The following table lists examples of some possible settings.

For more information about extended UEFI patterns, see Defining extended UEFI settings.

template_typeStringType of category pattern. This value is always ExtendedUEFI.
templateArrayInformation about the system-information category pattern
 typeStringType of category pattern. This value is always ExtendedUEFI.
 nameStringCategory-pattern name
 descriptionStringCategory-pattern description
 userDefinedStringIdentifies whether the category pattern is user define or learned. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The pattern is defined by the user.
  • false. The pattern is predefined by Lenovo.
 UEFI__BootModes__asu__set__OptimizedBootStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 UEFI__BootModes__asu__set__QuietBootStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__asu__set__ PCIExpressNativeControlUEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__ asu__setStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 UEFI__SystemSecurity__TrustedPlatformModuleTPM12__ asu__set__TXTStateUEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set__ POSTWatchdogTimerValueStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 UEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set__RebootSystemonNMIStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 uriUEFI__SystemSecurity__TrustedPlatformModuleTPM12__ asu__set__MORStateBooleanThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 UEFI__SystemSecurity__TrustedPlatformModuleTPM12__ asu__set__TXTStateStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 Additional attributesStringRemaining attributes vary
 uriStringURI Identifier for the exported pattern


"template_type" : "ExtendedUEFI",
"template" : {
"description" : "Pattern created from server: Lenovo x240\n
Learned on: Jul 29, 2015 12:08:14 PM",
"name" : "Learned-Extended_UEFI-2",
"type" : "ExtendedUEFI",
"userDefined" : true,
"UEFI__BackupBankManagement__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__BackupBankManagement__asu__set__BackupBankManagementMethod" : "User Managed",
"UEFI__BootModes__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__BootModes__asu__set__OptimizedBoot" : "Disable",
"UEFI__BootModes__asu__set__QuietBoot" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__asu__set__ActiveVideo" : "Onboard Device",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__asu__set__MMConfigBase" : "3GB",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__asu__set__PCIExpressNativeControl" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__asu__set__PCI64-BitResourceAllocation" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableAdapterOptionROMSupport__asu__set" : true,
IOExpansion1CardLEGACYOPROM" : "Enable",
IOExpansion1CardUEFIOPROM" : "Enable",
IOExpansion1Dev2LEGACYOPROM" : "Enable",
IOExpansion1Dev2UEFIOPROM" : "Enable",
IOExpansion2CardLEGACYOPROM" : "Enable",
IOExpansion2CardUEFIOPROM" : "Enable",
ETEExpansionConnLEGACYOPROM" : "Enable",
ETEExpansionConnUEFIOPROM" : "Enable",
SASControllerLEGACYOPROM" : "Enable",
SASControllerUEFIOPROM" : "Enable",
VideoLEGACYOPROM" : "Enable",
VideoUEFIOPROM" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableOnboardDevices__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableOnboardDevices__asu__set__ETEExpansionConn" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableOnboardDevices__asu__set__IOExpansion1Card" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableOnboardDevices__asu__set__IOExpansion2Card" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableOnboardDevices__asu__set__IOExpansion1Dev2" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__EnableDisableOnboardDevices__asu__set__Video" : "Enable",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__PCIeGen1Gen2Gen3SpeedSelection__asu__set" : true,
IOExpansion1CardPCIeSpeed" : "Gen3",
IOExpansion2CardPCIeSpeed" : "Gen3",
ETEExpansionConnPCIeSpeed" : "Gen3",
IOExpansion1Dev2PCIeSpeed" : "Gen3",
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__SetOptionROMExecutionOrder__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__DiskGPTRecovery__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__DevicesandIOPorts__SetOptionROMExecutionOrder__asu__set__SetOptionROMExecutionOrder" :
"SAS Controller=Video=I\/O Expansion 1 Card=I\/O Expansion 1 Dev 2=I\/O Expansion 2
"UEFI__DiskGPTRecovery__asu__set__DiskGPTRecovery" : "Manual",
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set__BBSBoot" : "Enable",
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set__ForceLegacyVideoonBoot" : "Enable",
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set__InfiniteBootRetry" : "Disable",
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set__LegacyThunkSupport" : "Enable",
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set__Non-PlanarPXE" : "Enable",
"UEFI__LegacySupport__asu__set__RehookINT19h" : "Disable",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__PagePolicy" : "Adaptive",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__PatrolScrub" : "Disable",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__MemoryMode" : "Independent",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__MemoryPowerManagement" : "Disable",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__MemoryRefresh" : "1x",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__MemorySpeed" : "Max Performance",
"UEFI__Memory__asu__set__SocketInterleave" : "NUMA",
"UEFI__OperatingModes__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__OperatingModes__asu__set__ChooseOperatingMode" : "Custom Mode",
"UEFI__POSTAttempts__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__POSTAttempts__asu__set__POSTAttemptsLimit" : "3",
"UEFI__Power__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__Power__asu__set__ActiveEnergyManager" : "Capping Disabled",
"UEFI__Power__asu__set__PlatformControlledType" : "Maximum Performance",
"UEFI__Power__asu__set__PowerPerformanceBias" : "Platform Controlled",
"UEFI__Power__asu__set__WorkloadConfiguration" : "Balanced",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__AdjacentCachePrefetch" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__C-States" : "Disable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__C1EnhancedMode" : "Disable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__CoresinCPUPackage" : "All"
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__DCUStreamerPrefetcher" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__ExecuteDisableBit" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__HardwarePrefetcher" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__Hyper-Threading" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__IntelVirtualizationTechnology" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__QPILinkFrequency" : "Max Performance",
"UEFI__SystemSecurity__TrustedPlatformModuleTPM12__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set" : true,
"UEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set__HaltOnSevereError" : "Disable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__DCUIPPrefetcher" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__DirectCacheAccessDCA" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__ProcessorPerformanceStates" : "Enable",
"UEFI__Processors__asu__set__TurboMode" : "Enable",
"UEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set__POSTWatchdogTimer" : "Enable",
"UEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set__POSTWatchdogTimerValue" : "5",
"UEFI__SystemRecovery__asu__set__RebootSystemonNMI" : "Enable",
"UEFI__SystemSecurity__TrustedPlatformModuleTPM12__asu__set__MORState" : "Disable",
"UEFI__SystemSecurity__TrustedPlatformModuleTPM12__asu__set__TXTState" : "Disable",
"ConfigDefinitions" : {
"items" : [{
"group" : [{
"command" : [{
"desc" : "Configure the number of attempts to POST,
before recovery mechanisms are to be invoked.",
"display" : "false",
"ID" : "asu",
"mriName" : "AsuPOSTAttempts",
"name" : "ASU - POST Attempts",
"option" : [{
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Modify POST Attempts",
"display" : "false",
"ID" : "set",
"mriName" : "SetPOSTAttempts",
"name" : "Set POST Attempts",
"no_delim_sign" : "true",
"option" : [{
"mriName" : "POSTAttemptsLimit",
"desc" : "Enter the number of consecutive
failed POST attempts allowed before
invoking recovery mechanisms.",
"dot_delim" : "true",
"name" : "POST Attempts Limit",
"ID" : "POSTAttemptsLimit",
"group_id" : "true",
"enumerate_data" : {
"choice" : [{
"default" : "true",
"label" : "3",
"value" : "3"
}, ...
"value" : "Disable",
"label" : "Disable"
"no_delim_sign" : "true",
"quote_data" : "true"
"desc" : "Configure the number of attempts to POST, before
recovery mechanisms are to be invoked.",
"ID" : "POSTAttempts",
"mriName" : "POSTAttempts",
"name" : "POST Attempts",
"preceding_option_id" : "true",
"command" : [{
"mriName" : "AsuDiskGPTRecovery",
"desc" : "Disk GPT (GUID Partition Table) Recovery Options.",
"name" : "ASU - Disk GPT Recovery",
"ID" : "asu",
"display" : "false",
"option" : [{
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Modify Disk GPT Recovery",
"display" : "false",
"ID" : "set",
"mriName" : "SetDiskGPTRecovery",
"name" : "Set Disk GPT Recovery",
"option" : [{
"mriName" : "DiskGPTRecovery",
"desc" : "
When <Automatic> is selected UEFI will attempt to repair a corrupted GUID Partition
Table (GPT) by copying the non-corrupt version over the invalid one. A message
will then be logged to the System Event Log to indicate the status of the repair.\n
When <Manual> is selected UEFI will prompt the user before taking any action. The
user will have an opportunity to decide if repair action should be taken. A message
will be logged to the EventLog to indicate the corruption found and if repair
action was taken then the repair results.\n
With <None> selected no attempt will be made by UEFI to recover a corrupted GPT, a
message will be logged to the EventLog and the system will continue to POST.
However, if the remaining valid GPT becomes corrupt, the disk drive will no longer
be accessible.",
"dot_delim" : "true",
"name" : "Disk GPT Recovery",
"ID" : "DiskGPTRecovery",
"group_id" : "true",
"enumerate_data" : {
"choice" : [{
"label" : "None",
"value" : "None"
"default" : "true",
"label" : "Manual",
"manufacturing" : "true",
"value" : "Manual"
"reset-required" : "true",
"no_delim_sign" : "true",
"quote_data" : "true"
"no_delim_sign" : "true"
"desc" : "Disk GPT (GUID Partition Table) Recovery Options.",
"ID" : "DiskGPTRecovery",
"mriName" : "DiskGPTRecovery",
"name" : "Disk GPT Recovery",
"preceding_option_id" : "true"
"ID" : "UEFI",
"mriName" : "UEFI",
"name" : "UEFI",
"preceding_option_id" : "true",
"uri" : "\/config\/template\/65",