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Extended management-controller pattern attributes

The following attributes provide information about an extended baseboard management-controller (BMC) category pattern.

These attributes can be included in the request body for the POST /patterns method and the response body for the GET /patterns/{id}/includeSettings method.

The settings that are available are dynamic and vary from server to server and adapter to adapter. The following table lists examples of some possible settings.

For more information about extended management-controller patterns, see Defining extended management-controller settings.

template_typeStringType of category pattern. This value is always ExtendedIMM.
templateArrayInformation about the system-information category pattern
 descriptionStringCategory-pattern description
 nameStringCategory-pattern name
 typeStringType of category pattern. This value is always ExtendedIMM.
 userDefinedStringIdentifies whether the category pattern is user define or learned. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The pattern is defined by the user.
  • false. The pattern is predefined by Lenovo.
 IMM__GeneralSettings__pxeboot__enStringIndicates whether the preboot execution environment (PXE) booting is enabled or disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__crtenStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__sysenStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__wrnenStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__timeouts__fStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__timeouts__oStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__timeouts__lStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__enStringIndicates whether the USB Ethernet port is enabled or disabled
 IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__ipStringIP address of the USB Ethernet port (for example,
 IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__iposString(for example,
 IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__snStringSubnetwork mask for the USB Ethernet port (for example,
 IMM__NetworkSettings_interface__sshcfg__cstatusStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
 Additional attributesvariesRemaining attributes vary depending on the management-controller firmware level
 uriStringURI Identifier for the exported pattern


"template" : {
"description" : "Pattern created from server: Lenovo x240\n
Learned on: Jul 29, 2015 12:08:14 PM",
"type" : "ExtendedIMM",
"name" : "Learned-Extended_IMM-2",
"userDefined" : true,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertentries__number" : [{
"index" : 1,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertentries__number__del" : true
"index" : 2,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertentries__number__del" : true
"index" : 12,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertentries__number__del" : true
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertcfg__da" : "0.5",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertcfg__dr" : "0.5",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__alertcfg__rl" : "5",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__ethtousb__en" : "enabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__ethtousb__m" : [{
"index" : 1,
"value" : "3389:3389"
"index" : 10,
"value" : "0:0"
"IMM__GeneralSettings__portcfg__p" : "none",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__portcfg__s" : "1",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__cycle" : true,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__cycle__every" : "clear",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__off" : true,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__off__every" : "clear",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__on" : true,
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__on__d" : "01\/01\/2016",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__on__every" : "Day",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__power__on__t" : "00:00",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__pxeboot__en" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__crt" : "none",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__crten" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__sys" : "none",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__sysen" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__wrn" : "none",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__snmpalerts__wrnen" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__thermal__mode" : "normal",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__timeouts__f" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__timeouts__o" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__timeouts__l" : "disabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__en" : "enabled",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__ip" : "",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__ipos" : "",
"IMM__GeneralSettings__usbeth__sn" : "",
"IMM__NetworkSettings_interface__sshcfg__cstatus" : "enabled",
"ConfigDefinitions" : {
"items" : [{
"mriName" : "Inteligent_Management_Module",
"name" : "Integrated Management Module",
"ID" : "IMM",
"group" : [{
"command" : [{
"access" : "readwrite",
"desc" : "Configure the IMM name, contact, and location",
"ID" : "info",
"mriName" : "Integrated_Module_Information",
"multi-target" : "yes",
"option" : [{
"desc" : "Configure the \"IMM Information\", \"LU position\" setting.",
"ID" : "LUposition"
"mriName" : "IMMInfo_L_Uposition",
"name" : "IMM LU Position",
"text_data" : {
"default" : "",
"maxchars" : "7",
"minchars" : "1",
"pattern" : "^.*$",
"type" : "regular"
"protected" : "false",
"name" : "Integrated Module Information",
"target" : "all_different",
"access" : "readwrite",
"desc" : "Host power configuration settings",
"ID" : "power",
"mriName" : "Integrated_Module_Power",
"multi-target" : "yes",
"name" : "Integrated Module Power",
"option" : [{
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Power on server.",
"ID" : "on",
"mriName" : "PowerOnServer",
"name" : "Power On Server",
"no_delim_sign" : "true"
"option" : [{
"desc" : "Power on server every",
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"enumerate_data" : {
"choice" : [{
"value" : "Day",
"label" : "Day"
"value" : "clear",
"label" : "Clear"
"ID" : "every",
"mriName" : "PowerOnEvery",
"name" : "Power On Every"
"desc" : "Configures the IMM \"Power Cycling Schedule\" to \"Power
on server\". Enter the date in \"mm\/dd\/yyyy\" format.",
"ID" : "d",
"mriName" : "PowerOnAtSpecifiedDate",
"name" : "Power On At Specified Date",
"text_data" : {
"pattern" : "^([0]\\d|[1][0-2]|\\d)\/([0-2]
"desc" : "Configures the IMM \"Power On Server at Specified Time\"
setting. You can schedule your server to be automatically
powered up. You have to enter the time in \"hh:mm\"
"ID" : "t"
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"mriName" : "PowerOnAtSpecifiedTime",
"name" : "Power On At Specified Time",
"text_data" : {
"pattern" : "^([0-1]\\d|[2][0-3]|\\d):([0-5]\\d|\\d)$"
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Clear date for power on setting.",
"ID" : "clear",
"mriName" : "PowerOnClearDate",
"name" : "Power On Clear Date"
"mriName" : "PowerOffServer",
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Power off server.",
"ID" : "off",
"name" : "Power Off Server",
"no_delim_sign" : "true"
"option" : [{
"mriName" : "PowerOffEvery",
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"desc" : "Power off server every",
"name" : "Power Off Every",
"ID" : "every",
"enumerate_data" : {
"choice" : [{
"value" : "Day",
"label" : "Day"
}, {
"value" : "Sun",
"label" : "Sunday"
"value" : "clear",
"label" : "Clear"
"mriName" : "ShutdownAndPowerOff",
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Shut down OS first and then power off",
"name" : "Shutdown And Power Off",
"ID" : "s"
"mriName" : "PowerOffAtSpecifiedTime",
"text_data" : {
"pattern" : "^([0-1]\\d|[2][0-3]|\\d):([0-5]
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"desc" : "Configures the IMM \"Power Off Server at Specified Time\"
setting. You can schedule your server to be automatically
powered up. You have to enter the time in \"hh:mm\"
"name" : "Power Off At Specified Time",
"ID" : "t"
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Turns off the server power and then turns on the power",
"ID" : "cycle",
"mriName" : "PowerOffOnServer",
"name" : "Power Off On Server",
"no_delim_sign" : "true",
"option" : [{
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"desc" : "Power Off and On server every",
"enumerate_data" : {
"choice" : [{
"value" : "Day",
"label" : "Day"
"value" : "clear",
"label" : "Clear"
"ID" : "every",
"mriName" : "PowerOffOnEvery",
"name" : "Power Off On Every"
"delim_data" : "true",
"desc" : "Shut down OS and restart server",
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"ID" : "s",
"mriName" : "ShutdownAndRestart",
"name" : "Shutdown And Restart"
"desc" : "Configures the IMM \"Power Off then On Server at Specified
Time\" setting. You can schedule your server to be
automatically powered off then on. You have to enter the
time in \"hh:mm\" format.",
"duplicate_suboption" : "true",
"ID" : "t",
"mriName" : "PowerOffOnAtSpecifiedTime",
"name" : "Power Off On At Specified Time",
"text_data" : {
"pattern" : "^([0-1]\\d|[2][0-3]|\\d):([0-5]\\d|\\d)$"
"protected" : "false",
"target" : "primary",
"access" : "readwrite",
"desc" : "Display and configure Ethernet to Ethernet-over-USB port
"ID" : "ethtousb",
"mriName" : "USBPortForwarding_Setting",
"multi-target" : "yes",
"name" : "USB Port Forwarding Setting",
"option" : [{
"desc" : "Enabled or disabled port mapping.",
"name" : "USB Port Forwarding",
"ID" : "en",
"enumerate_data" : {
"choice" : [{
"value" : "disabled",
"label" : "Disabled"
"value" : "enabled",
"label" : "Enabled"
"mriName" : "USBPortForwarding",
"data_index" : "true",
"desc" : "Configure the port mapping using the format \"port1:port2\",
where port1 is the External Ethernet port number and port2
is the Ethernet over USB port number.",
"ID" : "m",
"mriName" : "USBForwardPort",
"multi_data" : "true"
"name" : "USB Forward Port",
"no_space_after_opt" : "true",
"numeric_data" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "10",
"type" : "dec"
"text_data" : {
"pattern" : "[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}",
"minchars" : "3",
"maxchars" : "11"
"protected" : "false",
"target" : "all_same"
"desc" : "Inteligent Module Information",
"ID" : "GeneralSettings",
"mriName" : "General_Settings",
"name" : "General Settings",
"uri" : "\/config\/template\/64",