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GET /patterns/{id}/includeSettings

Use this method to export the properties for an existing server pattern.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/patterns/{id}/includeSettings

where {id} is the unique ID that was assigned when the server pattern was created. To obtain the pattern ID, use the GET /patterns method.

Query parameters


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.

For XClarity Administrator advanced functions, ensure that you have active licenses for each managed server that supports the advanced functions.

500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

The server pattern includes the category patterns that are reference by the server pattern. The format of the response changes depending on the type and number of referenced category patterns (for example, system-information or port patterns).

server_templateArray of objectsInformation about the server pattern
 adapterSettingsArray of objectsInformation about adapter settings that are defined in the server pattern
  adaptersArray of stringsList of adapters that were added to this pattern
  ethAddressDomainStringID of the Ethernet address range that is used in this pattern
  ethAddressPoolStringID of the Ethernet address pool that is used in this pattern
  fcAddressDomainStringID of the Fibre Channel address range that is used in this pattern
  fcAddressPoolStringID of the Fibre Channel address pool that is used in this pattern
  formFactorStringForm factor. This can be one of the following values.
  • a. ThinkSystem SR635 or SR655 server
  • f. Flex System server
  • f4sc. 4 bay (2 node) scalable Flex system
  • f8sc. 8 bay (4 node) scalable Flex system
  • r. ThinkSystem, System x or NeXtScale server
  • rc. Scalable rack system
  ioAddressingModeStringType of I/O addressing that is used. This can be one of the following values.
  • burned. Burned in Addresses. Use existing World Wide Name (WWN) and Media Access Control (MAC) addresses that are provided with the adapter from manufacturing.
  • virtual. Virtual Addresses. Use virtual I/O adapter addressing to simplify the management of LAN and SAN connections to speed deployment and automatic failover by virtualizing WWN and MAC addresses.

    When virtual addressing is enabled, both Ethernet and Fibre Channel addresses are allocated by default regardless of defined adapters. You can choose the pool from which Ethernet and Fibre Channel addresses are allocated.

    Virtual addressing is supported for only compute nodes. Rack servers are not supported.

 bootSettingsArray of objectsInformation about the boot methods that are defined in the server pattern
  bootConfigStringSelected boot configuration type. This value is always specify.
  bootModeStringBoot mode set in the pattern. This can be one of the following values.
  • UEFI Only. Select this option to configure a server that supports the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). If you are booting UEFI enabled operating systems, this option might shorten boot time by disabling legacy option ROMs.
  • UEFI and Legacy. Select this option to configure a server to attempt to boot using UEFI first. If there is an issue, the server attempts to boot in legacy mode. Select this option only if you are booting non-UEFI enabled operating systems.
  • Legacy Only. Select this option if you are configuring a server to boot an operating system that requires legacy (BIOS) firmware. Select this option only if you are booking non-UEFI enabled operating systems.
  • null. To keep the existing settings on the target server, leave this attribute blank. No changes to the boot order are made when the pattern is deployed.
  bootOrderTableArray of objectsBoot order, for example:
"order" : 0,
"device" : "*NONE",
"option" : "Embedded Hypervisor"
}, {
"order" : 1,
"device" : "Disk Drive 0",
"option" : "Disk Drive"
}, {
"order" : 1,
"device" : "*NONE",
"option" : "CD\/DVD Rom"
}, {
"order" : 2,
"device" : "*NONE",
"option" : "PXE Network"
  bootWoLTableArray of objectsWake-on-LAN boot order when the boot mode is set to Legacy Only, for example:
"order" : 0,
"device" : "*NONE",
"option" : "CD\/DVD Rom"
}, {
"order" : 1,
"device" : "Disk Drive 0",
"option" : "Disk drive"
}, {
"order" : 2,
"device" : "*NONE",
"option" : "PXE Network"
  learnedBootOptionsArray of objectsBoot-order properties that are dynamically learned from the system when the pattern was created from an existing server. These values vary depending on the learned properties, for example:
"learnedBootOptions" : [{
"value" : "Diagnostics",
"label" : "Diagnostics"
}, {
"value" : "IMM1",
"label" : "IMM1"
}, {
"value" : "IMM2",
"label" : "IMM2"
}, {
"value" : "SAS",
"label" : "SAS"
}, {
"value" : "VNIC1",
"label" : "VNIC1"
}, {
"value" : "VNIC2",
"label" : "VNIC2"
"value" : "DSA",
"label" : "DSA"
  learnedWoLBootOptionsArray of objectsWake-on-LAN boot-order properties that are dynamically learned from the system when the pattern was created from an existing server. These values vary depending on the learned properties, for example:
"learnedWoLBootOptions" : [{
"value" : "Diagnostics",
"label" : "Diagnostics"
}, {
"value" : "IMM1",
"label" : "IMM1"
}, {
"value" : "IMM2",
"label" : "IMM2"
}, {
"value" : "SAS",
"label" : "SAS"
}, {
"value" : "VNIC1",
"label" : "VNIC1"
}, {
"value" : "VNIC2",
"label" : "VNIC2"
"value" : "DSA",
"label" : "DSA"
  sanBootTableArray of objectsInformation about the SAN boot device
   deviceStringDevice label for the selected SAN boot device (for example, I/O Adapter 1 - Port 1)
   devicePortIntegerPort on the adapter that is selected for booting from SAN
   deviceSlotIntegerSlot number of the adapter that is selected for booting from SAN
   deviceTypeStringDevice type that is selected for SAN boot. This can be one of the following values.
  • adapter
  • lom
   functionNumberStringFunction number (virtual port) that is selected for booting from the SAN. If port virtualization is not enabled (for example, on a Fibre Channel adapter), this value is 0.
   optionStringThis value is always Fibre Channel (SAN).
   orderIntegerOrder in which to prioritize this entry in the SAN boot order. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. First
  • 1. Second
  • 2. Third
  • and so on
   targetStringSelected boot target. This can be one of the following values.
  • primary
  • secondary
   templateStringID of the associated Fibre Channel boot target pattern
 descriptionStringDescription of the server pattern
 formFactorStringForm factor. This can be one of the following values.
  • a. ThinkSystem SR635 or SR655 server
  • f. Flex System server
  • f4sc. 4 bay (2 node) scalable Flex system
  • f8sc. 8 bay (4 node) scalable Flex system
  • r. ThinkSystem, System x or NeXtScale server
  • rc. Scalable rack system
 nameStringName of the server pattern
 nodeTypeStringType of server to which the pattern applies. This value is always sysx.
 platformStringID of the platform (type of resource) that is associated with this server-configuration pattern

This value is v4 for ThinkSystem V4 servers or an empty string for all other servers.

 storageSettingsArray of objectsInformation about the storage settings that are defined in the server pattern
  storageAttrsArray of objectsList of storage settings for each volume type that is defined by this pattern, when storageSelect is set to Specify.
   accessPolicyStringAccess policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Read only
  • Read Write
   cachePolicyStringCached policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • Unchanged
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
   controllerTypeStringRAID controller type. This can be one of the following values.
  • SDCard
  • RaidAdapter
  • IntelOptaneDCPMM
   controllerSlotIntegerPCI slot number of the RAID controller
   diskDriveBayStringNumber of the bay where the disk drive is located, separated by a colon (for example, 0:1:2).

For RAID level 10, 50, 60, and 00, each span is separated by a comma (for example, 0:1:2,3:4:5).

   diskTypeStringType of disk drives in the device. This can be one of the following values.
  • None
  • M2-SD-CARD. M.2 storage adapter
  • SDCARD. SSD storage adapter
   hotspareDriveBayStringNumber of the bay where the host-spare disk drive is located, separated by a colon (for example, 6:7)
   initStatusStringInitialization status. This can be one of the following values.
  • No Initialization
  • Fast Initialization
  • Full Initialization
   ioPolicyStringI/O policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • Direct IO
  • Cached IO
   memoryModePercentageInteger(Intel Optane™ DC Persistent Memory DIMMs only) Percentage of total capacity to be used as memory mode. This value can be from 0 - 100.
   numDrivesIntegerNumber of drives in the device
   numHotsparesIntegerNumber of host-spare drives in the device
   percentageRemainingThresholdsInteger(Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory DIMMs only) Warning threshold for the remaining life of the DIMM, as a percentage value of the factory expected life span. This value can be from 2 - 99.
   persistentMemoryTypeString(Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory DIMMs only) Persistent memory type. This can be one of the following values.
  • App Direct

  • App Direct Not Interleaved

   raidLevelStringRAID level. This can be one of the following values.
  • RAID 0. Striping
  • RAID 1. Mirroring
  • RAID 5. Distributed dual-parity
  • RAID 6. Striping with-parity
  • RAID 10. Disk mirroring and disk striping (1+0)
  • RAID 50. Distributed parity and disk striping (5+0)
  • RAID 60. Distributed dual-parity and disk striping (6+0)
  • RAID 00
RAID level 0, 1, or 5 are supported on all serves. RAID level 6, 10, 50, 60, and 00 are supported only on ThinkSystem servers with XCC version 2.1 and later. (ThinkSystem SR950 requires XCC version 1.4 or later).
   raidVolumeNameStringRAID volume name
   readPolicyStringRead policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • Always Read Ahead
  • No Read Ahead
   stripeSizeStringStripe size. This can be one of the following values.
  • 8K
  • 16K
  • 32K
  • 64K
  • 128K
  • 256K
  • 512K
  • 1M
   writePolicyStringWrite policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • Always Write Back
  • Write Back with BBU
  • Write Through
  storageSelectionStringStore configuration. This can be one of the following values.
  • Keep Existing. Keep existing storage configuration on target. Choose this option to use the storage configuration that is already in place on the target server.
  • Specify. Specify storage configuration. Choose this option to specify the drive type, RAID configuration, and number of drives that are installed in the server. This option is supported only if you are deploying the pattern to one or more servers that do not have existing RAID configurations.
  • Disable. Disable local disk drive. If you are deploying a pattern to a Flex System x240 Compute Node, choose this option to disable the on-board storage controller and storage option ROM (both UEFI and Legacy). Disabling the local disk drive decreases the overall boot time when booting from SAN.
 serverTypeStringServer type. This can be one of the following value.
  • AMI. The server pattern is learned from a Thinksystem SR635 or SR655 server.
  • IMMv4. The server pattern is learned from Thinksystem V4.
  • IMMv3. The server pattern is learned from Thinksystem V3.
  • IMMv2. The server pattern is learned from a System X or Flex System server that contains an IMM2.
  • NA. The server pattern is created from scratch.
 templatesArray of objectsList of category patterns that are referenced by the server pattern
  idStringID of the category pattern
  typeStringType of category pattern. This can be one of the following values.
  • Server
  • Management
  • SystemInfo
  • DevicesAndIOPorts
  • ExtendedSR635_655BIOS
  • ExtendedIMM
  • ExtendedPort
  • ExtendedUEFI
  • FibreChannel
 typeStringThe type of server pattern. This value is always Server.
 userDefinedBooleanIndicates whether the server pattern is user-defined or predefined. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The server pattern is user-defined.
  • false. The server pattern is predefined.
sub_templatesArrayInformation about each category pattern that is referenced by this server pattern. The attributes vary depending on the category pattern type. For information about the attributes, see the following topics.
template_typeStringType of template to be exported. The value is always server_template.
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"server_template": {
"adapterSettings": {
"adapters": [{
"adapterId": "adapter:17",
"controllers": [{
"id": "adapterSetting:69:controller:1",
"ports": [{
"id": "adapterSetting:69:controller:1:port:1",
"portNumber": 1,
"templateId": "portVirtualizationPattern:70",
"templateType": "PortVirtualization"
"id": "adapterSetting:69:controller:1:port:2",
"portNumber": 2,
"templateId": "portVirtualizationPattern:71",
"templateType": "PortVirtualization"
"controllerNumber": 1
"id": "adapterSetting:69",
"formFactor": "r",
"nodeNumber": 1,
"slotNumber": 0
"adapterId": "adapter:6",
"controllers": [{
"controllerNumber": 1"id": "adapterSetting:72:controller:1",
"ports": [{
"id": "adapterSetting:72:controller:1:port:1",
"portNumber": 1,
"templateId": "68",
"templateType": "ExtendedPort"
"id": "adapterSetting:72:controller:1:port:2",
"portNumber": 2,
"templateId": "68",
"templateType": "ExtendedPort"

"formFactor": "r",
"id": "adapterSetting:72",
"nodeNumber": ,
1"slotNumber": 1
"ethAddressDomain": "*NONE",
"ethAddressPool": "*NONE",
"fcAddressDomain": "*NONE",
"fcAddressPool": "*NONE"
"formFactor": "r",
"ioAddressingMode": "burned",

"bootSettings": {
"bootConfig": "specify",
"bootMode": "Legacy Only",
"bootOrderTable": [{
"order": 0,
"device": "*NONE",
"option": "Embedded Hypervisor"
"order": 3,
"device": "*NONE",
"option": "PXE Network"
"bootWoLTable": [{
"order": 0,
"device": "*NONE",
"option": "CD\/DVD Rom"
"order": 2,
"device": "*NONE",
"option": "PXE Network"
"learnedBootOptions": [{
"value": "Diagnostics",
"label": "Diagnostics"
"value": "DSA",
"label": "DSA"
"learnedWoLBootOptions": [{
"value": "IMMv3",
"label": "IMMv3"
"value": "DSA",
"label": "DSA"
"localStorageDisabled": false,
"sanBootTable": []
"description": "Pattern created from server: Lenovo x240\n
Learned on: Jul 29, 2024 12:08:14 PM",
"formFactor": "r",
"name": "Learn ThinkSystem v3",
"nodeType": "sysx",
"platform": "",
"storageSettings": {
"storageAttrs" : [{
"accessPolicy" : "Read Write",
"cachePolicy" : "Unchanged",
"diskType" : "None",
"initStatus" : "No Initialization",
"ioPolicy" : "Direct IO",
"numDrives" : 2,
"numHotspares" : 0,
"raidLevel" : "RAID 1",
"readPolicy" : "No Read Ahead",
"stripeSize" : "64k",
"writePolicy" : "Write Through",
"controllerType": "IntelOptaneDCPMM",
"memoryModePercentage ": 50,
"percentageRemainingThresholds": 10
"persistentMemoryType": "App Direct",
"storageSelection": "Specify"
"templates": [{
"id": "68",
"type": "ExtendedPort"
"id": "66",
"type": "ExtendedPort"
"type": "Server",
"userDefined": true,

"sub_templates": {
"template": {
"contact": "contact",
"description": "Pattern created from server: Lenovo x240\n
Learned on: Jul 29, 2024 12:08:14 PM",
"location": "location",
"name": "Learned-System_Info-2",
"systemName": {
"autogen": "Disable",
"hyphenChecked": false
"type": "SystemInfo",
"uri": "\/config\/template\/61",
"userDefined": true
"template_type": "SystemInfo"
"template_type": "Management",
"template": {
"description": "Pattern created from server: Lenovo x240\n
Learned on: Jul 29, 2024 12:08:14 PM",
"domainNameSystem": {
"domainName": "",
"domainNameSource": "dhcp",
"dynamicDNS": "enabled"
"hostName": {
"autogen": "Disable",
"hyphenChecked": false
"interfaceSettings": {
"ethInterface": 0,
"maximumTransmissionUnit": "1500"
"managementIPAddress": {
"ipV4Settings": "No Change",
"ipV6Settings": "No Change"
"name": "Learned-Management-2",
"portAssignments": {
"cimhttpPort": "5988",
"cimhttpsPort": "5989""httpPort": "80",
"httpsPort": "443",
"remotecontrolPort": "3900",
"sshcliPort": "22",
"snmpagentPort": "161",
"snmptrapsPort": "162",
"telnetcliPort": "23",

"type": "Management",
"userDefined": true,
"uri": "\/config\/template\/62"
"template_type": "server_template"