Configuring security sensors
The ThinkEdge servers is equipped with the security sensors to detect tamper event. UpdateXpress supports to enable, disable, and modify the threshold of the motion detection sensor and chassis intrusion sensor.
The UpdateXpress application is running on a server installed with a supported operating system. For details of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
This function is only supported in the ThinkEdge servers. For details of supported servers, see the ThinkEdge series in Supported server models.
Launch the UpdateXpress application. See Launching the UpdateXpress application.
In the Welcome window, click Next.
- In the Target Server window, select Manage the remote server, input the following information, and click Next.
(Setting) IP address or Host name: BMC IP address or host name of the target system.
(Setting) User Name: BMC user name of the target system.
(Setting) Password: BMC password of the target system.
(Setting) Port: BMC CIM or RSET port number. If users do not input, the default port is used.
NoteIf users are not intended to check the BMC server certificate, selectAccept BMC server's certificate by default, and click Next. In the Task window, select Configure security features on ThinkEdge server, and click Next.
In the ThinkEdge Server Security Features window, select Configure Security Sensors and click Next.
- In the Configure Security Sensors window, do one or more of the following, and click Next.
To enable or disable Motion Detection or Chassis Intrusion Detection, select the options from the drop-down list or click the switch button to toggle the status.
NoteIn case of data loss, it is recommended to backup AK before selecting any items.To reset the step count for the motion detection, click Reset Step Counter. UpdateXpress will reset the step count to 0.
To change threshold steps for locking down the motion detection, select the target step level in Threshold To Lockdown.
NoteThe ThinkEdge server will be locked down once the tamper event is detected by the security sensor.
In the Finish window, click View Log to check the upgrade log, copy and save the commands generated, and click Close to exit.