The ThinkEdge servers provides the access to the Self-Encrypting Drive(SED) using the authentication key. UpdateXpress application supports to manage the SED Authentication Key (AK), including generate, backup, and recover.
Prerequisite:The UpdateXpress application is running on a server installed with a supported operating system. For details of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
This function is only supported when the ThinkEdge server is unlocked. For details of supported servers, see the ThinkEdge series in Supported server models.
To manage the SED authentication key, do the following:
- Launch the UpdateXpress application. See Launching the UpdateXpress application.
- In the Welcome window, click Next.
- In the Target Server window, select Manage the remote server, input the following information, and click Next.
IP address or Host name: BMC IP address or host name of the target system.
User Name: BMC user name of the target system.
Password: BMC password of the target system.
Port: BMC CIM or RSET port number. If users do not input, the default port is used.
If users are not intended to check the BMC server certificate, select Accept BMC server's certificate by default, and click Next.
- In the Task window, select Configure security features on ThinkEdge server, and click Next.
- In the ThinkEdge Server Security Features window, select Manage the SED authentication key and click Next.
- In the SED Authentication Key (AK) Management window, do one or more of the following:
To generate the SED AK, select
Enable SED Encryption when SED AK is disabled, or select
Change the SED AK when SED AK is enabled. Select the target method from the
Method drop-down list, and click
It’s recommended to back up AK in case of data loss. Users can only select other options after backing up AK.
To back up the SED AK, select Back up the SED AK, input the location and password of the backup file, and click Start. UpdateXpress will save the backup file containing the SED AK information.
To recover the SED AK, select Recover the SED AK, do one of the following:
To recover by using the backup file, select Recover SED AK from Backup file from the Method drop-down list, click Browse to select the backup file, input the password, and click Start Restore.
To recover by using passphrase, select Recover SED AK using Passphrase from the Method drop-down list, input the passphrase, and click Start Restore.
- In the Finish window, click the log to check the updates, and click Close to exit.