Functions are not available for a System x server when selected from the asset tree view
Functions are not available for System x servers when selected from the asset tree view of Lenovo XClarity Integrator Add-in if the server’s machine type is not determined.
Complete one or more of the following steps to obtain machine type for a server.
Make the UUS server service run with a Windows/domain log-on that has the WMI read permission to the target Hyper-V system. To change the user account of a Windows service, see the Microsoft TechNet: Configure How a Service Is Started Web page.
Authenticate a hypervisor node with a Windows/domain log-on that has the WMI read permission to the target Hyper-V system.
Manage the server with a Lenovo XClarity Administrator, and register the Lenovo XClarity Administrator in Lenovo XClarity Integrator Add-in.
Discover the IMM for the specific server.