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DELETE /api/v1/customAlerts/rules/{id_list}

Use this method to delete one or more custom alert rules.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator v1.3.0 or later.


Authentication with user name and password is required.

Resource URI

DELETE https://{management_server_IP>/api/v1/customAlerts/rules/{id_list}

where {id_list} is a list of custom alert rule IDs, separated by a comma. To obtain the alert rule IDs, use GET /api/v1/customAlerts/rules.

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
413Request Entity Too LargeClients might impose limitations on the length of the request URI, and the request URI is too long to be handled. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

{message_attributes}variesStatus messages (see Status messages)