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GET /api/v1/customAlerts/rules/{id}

Use this method to return information about a specific custom alert rule.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator v1.3.0 or later.


Authentication with user name and password is required.

Resource URI

GET https://{management_server_IP>/api/v1/customAlerts/rules/{id}

where {id} is the ID of the custom analytics alert. To obtain the alert ID, use GET /api/v1/customAlerts/rules.

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.

Response body

When the request is successful, the following attributes are returned. If the request fails, standard message attributes are returned (see Status messages).

Table 1. Event-based alert rules.
idStringRule ID
alertDescriptionStringAdditional information to clarify the reason for the alert
alertMsgStringMessage string for the alert
alertUserActionStringUser actions that can be taken to recover from the alert
eventCodeStringFour-digit number that uniquely identifies the alert and event

When an alert is raised based on a custom alert rule, an event is also raised. The same event code is used for both the active alert and the event using the format FQXXOCAxxxxc, where xxxx is the four-digit unique identifier and c is the severity.

criteriaObjectCriteria for raising an alert
 countIntegerNumber of times that the event must occur in the specified interval before an alert is raised
 eventIDStringID of the event that triggers an alert
 intervalIntegerPeriod of time, in minutes, in which the event occurs before an alert is raised
 modeStringIndicates whether the rule applies to a device or device group. This can be one of the following values.
  • device. Raises an alert when the event occurs on any device. The device name is included in this alert.
  • group. Raises an alert when the event occurs on a device in any device group. The group name is included in the alert.
descriptionStringRule description
nameStringRule name
severityStringAlert severity (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Warning. User can decide if action is needed.
  • Critical. Action is needed immediately, and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result).
severityKeyStringAlert severity key. This can be one of the following values.
  • Warning. User can decide if action is needed.
  • Critical. Action is needed immediately, and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result).
statusStringRule status (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • enabled (default)
  • disabled
statusKeyStringRule status key. This can be one of the following values.
  • enabled (default)
  • disabled
typeStringRule type (translated). For event-based alert rules, this is always event.
typeKeyStringRule type key. For event-based alert rules, this is always event.
_linksObjectRule URI (see Links)
The following example is returned for an event-based rule if the request is successful.
"id": "046b6c7fс0b8ac43b9db35dd6489e6dfffff",
"alertDescription": "",
"alertMsg": "",
"alertUserAction": "",
"eventCode": "FQXXOCA0001J",
"criteria": {
"count": 5,
"eventID": "FQXHMDI0107G",
"interval": 1440,
"mode": "device"
"description": "Server management fails 5 times in a 24-hour period",
"enabled": true,
"name": "Server managment failures",
"severity": "Warning",
"severityKey": "Warning",
"status": "enabled",
"statusKey": "enabled",
"type": "event",
"typeKey": "event",
"_links": {
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/customAlerts/rules/046b6c7fс0b8ac43b9db35dd6489e6daee91"
Table 2. Metric-based alert rules.
idStringRule ID
alertDescriptionStringAdditional information to clarify the reason for the alert
alertMsgStringMessage string for the alert
alertUserActionStringUser actions that can be taken to recover from the alert
eventCodeStringFour-digit number that uniquely identifies the alert and event

When an alert is raised based on a custom alert rule, an event is also raised. The same event code is used for both the active alert and the event using the format FQXXOCAxxxxc, where xxxx is the four-digit unique identifier and c is the severity.

criteriaObjectCriteria for raising an alert
 operatorStringComparison operator to use when comparing the value of metric against the specified threshold. This can be one of the following values.
  • gt. Greater than
  • gte. Greater than or equal to
  • lte. Less than or equal to
  • lt. Less than
 countInteger(Count mode only) Minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the limit is breached before an alert is raised
 intervalInteger(Average and count modes only) Period of time, in seconds, in which the measurement is evaluated
 thresholdIntegerThreshold to be met for raising an alert
 metricStringMetric for which the value is to be evaluated
 modeStringCriteria mode. This can be one of the following values.
  • average. Raises an alert when the average value of the metric breaches the threshold (based on the comparator) during a specific interval.

    For example, you can create a rule to raise an alert when the average CPU Temperature (metric) during a 24-hour period (interval) is greater than (operator) 40 degrees C (threshold).

  • count. Raises an alert when the metric breaches the threshold (based on the comparator) a certain number of times during a specific interval.

    For example, you can create a rule to raise an alert when the CPU Temperature (metric) is greater than (operator) 40 degrees C (threshold) for 5 times (count) in a 24-hour period (interval).

  • simple. Raises an alert when the metric breaches the threshold (based on the comparator).

    For example, you can create a rule to raise an alert when the CPU Temperature (metric) is greater than (operator) 40 degrees C (threshold).

descriptionStringRule description
nameStringRule name
severityStringAlert severity (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • Warning. User can decide if action is needed.
  • Critical. Action is needed immediately, and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result).
severityKeyStringAlert severity key. This can be one of the following values.
  • Warning. User can decide if action is needed.
  • Critical. Action is needed immediately, and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result).
statusStringRule status (translated). This can be one of the following values.
  • enabled (default)
  • disabled
statusKeyStringRule status key. This can be one of the following values.
  • enabled (default)
  • disabled
typeStringRule type (translated). For event-based alert rules, this is always metric.
typeKeyStringRule type key. For event-based alert rules, this is always metric.
_linksObjectRule URI (see Links)
The following example is returned for a metric-based rule if the request is successful.
"id": "046b6c7fс0b8ac43b9db35dd6489e6daee91",
"alertDescription": "",
"alertMsg": "",
"alertUserAction": "",
"eventCode": "FQXXOCA0002J",
"criteria": {
"operator": "gt",
"count": 5,
"interval": 1440,
"threshold": 5,
"metric": "CPUTemp",
"mode": "count"
"description": "CPU Temperature greater than 40 C for 5 times in 24-hours",
"name": "High CPU temperatures",
"severity": "Warning",
"severityKey": " Warning ",
"status": "enabled",
"statusKey": " enabled ",
"type": "metric",
"typeKey": "metric",
"_links": {
"rel": "self",
"uri": "/api/v1/customAlerts/rules/046b6c7fс0b8ac43b9db35dd6489e6daee91"