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Predefined event

The ‘Predefined Event’ tab lists all the events predefined in Energy Manager. It includes the ‘Predefined Event Type’ and ‘Severity’ of events. You can select the predefined events you are interested in by checking the corresponding boxes and clicking Save.

Some predefined event types with a severity of Error, such as “The device returns operation failure to Energy Manager”, may trigger many events being logged. If the status and the power and temperature trending of the device appear normal, and you don’t want so many events being logged, you can deselect this event type.
The Dashboard displays all Critical and Custom events. For environment monitoring you should pay attention to the Dashboard events first. Events under Datacenter Management, which include all event severities for an entity, including non-critical events, are helpful when diagnosing device and network issues. For events’ troubleshooting, you can refer to the typical events NOTE under “Events and Thresholds”.