User management
In the ‘User Management’ tab, you can create, edit, or delete users. ‘Administrator’ role and ‘Guest’ role could be granted to a user. A user of ’Guest’ role does not have permissions to modify anything in Energy Manager. LXEM supports Microsoft Active Directory user and group. You may assign a role for a Microsoft Active Directory user or group, and then login to LXEM with the Active Directory account, and the Microsoft Active Directory user or group should exist. You need to specify domain name and credentials to access the Active Directory server. Energy Manager supports LDAP authentication. You need to specify correct LDAP configuration in the settings to enable LDAP authentication.
Get the AD server certificate or CA certificate from AD server admin.
Run this commandto import the certificate into keystore:
[Installation folder]/external/jre/bin/keytool -import--trustcacerts --alias adcert-
-file <certificate_file> --keystore "[Installation folder]/keystore.ssl".
No need to restart EnergyManager services
If you want to disable secure transportation with AD server, you may change the ‘conf/console.config.xml’ file of Energy Manager installation folder. Add these two entries: <entry key=ENABLE_AD_TLS
>False</entry> and <entry key=AD_PORT
>389</entry>, save the file and then restart Energy Manager services. It is recommended to do this change only in a fully trusted network environment since the user credentials will be passed to the AD server in plain text.
The username of the Energy Manager account should follow the rule below.
The acceptable username length is from 1 to 16 bytes
The username may contain only the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, .(period), -(hyphen), _(underscore)