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Remove the compute node cover

Remove the top cover by pulling up the cover-release latch and sliding the cover toward the rear of the compute node.

shock hazard
Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels might be present. Only a qualified service technician is authorized to remove the covers where the label is attached.
240VA shock hazard

Hazardous energy present. Voltages with hazardous energy might cause heating when shorted with metal, which might result in spattered metal, burns, or both.

About this task


Read Safety inspection checklist and Installation Guidelines to ensure that you work safely.


  1. Remove the top cover.
    1. Press the release button.
    2. Slide the cover toward the rear of the compute node; then, lift up the cover.
      Figure 1. Compute node cover removal
      Compute node cover removal
  2. Lay the cover flat or store it for future use.
    You cannot insert the compute node into the Lenovo Flex System Enterprise Chassis until the cover is installed and closed. Do not attempt to override this protection.