FQXSFPU4073G : Platform secure boot fuse is enabled but CPU 1 unfused.
Platform secure boot fuse is enabled but CPU 1 unfused.
User Action
Complete the following steps:
- This event is reported because new CPU (without PSB fuse) is detected but this system has enabled Platform Secure Boot.
- Customer can remove new CPU and install back the original CPU and reboot system, then this event will be disappeared.
- AMD Platform Secure Boot (PSB) can be enabled for new CPUs through 1) F1 Setup-> System Settings->Processors->PSB Auto Fuse or 2) the OneCLI utility, followed by rebooting the system. This event will disappear once PSB is enabled and the system has rebooted.
- If the problem persists, collect Service Data logs and contact Lenovo Support.NoteAMD CPU Platform Secure Boot (PSB) fusing is a one-time operation that permanently binds the CPU to genuine Lenovo firmware to enhance platform security and cannot be reversed. The CPU can only be used in Lenovo servers once fused. AMD and Lenovo recommend PSB fusing if the CPU will only be used in Lenovo servers.