FQXSFPU0038I : A correctable error (Type [arg1]) has been detected by processor [arg2].
A correctable error (Type [arg1]) has been detected by processor [arg2].
[arg1] Error type, “1” indicate PIE “2” indicate NBIO “3” indicate SMU “4” indicate PSP “5” indicate MP5
[arg2] Cpu silk label, 1-based
User Action
Complete the following steps:
A correctable error detected by CPU. No action is needed.
Below list provides the description for error type:
“1” indicate PIE(Power Management, Interrupts, Etc.) error.
“2” indicate NBIO(Northbridge IO) error.
“3” indicate SMU(System Management Unit) error.
“4” indicate PSP(Platform Security Processor) error.
“5” indicate MP5(Microprocessor5 Management Controller) error.
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