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GPU distribution board cable routing

Use the section to understand the cable routing for the GPU distribution board.

Based on the configuration, select the corresponding routing plan:

Direct GPU distribution board configuration

Figure 1. Direct GPU distribution board cable routing
Direct GPU distribution board cable routing
1GPU distribution board: Power connectorSystem board assembly: PCIe distribution board connector
2GPU distribution board: MCIO connector ASystem board assembly: PCIe connector 1
3GPU distribution board: MCIO connector BSystem board assembly: PCIe connector 3
4GPU distribution board: MCIO connector CSystem board assembly: PCIe connector 5
5GPU distribution board: MCIO connector DSystem board assembly: PCIe connector 7

Switched GPU distribution board configuration

Figure 2. Switched GPU distribution board cable routing
Switched GPU distribution board cable routing
1GPU distribution board: Power connectors 1 and 2System board assembly: PCIe distribution board connector
2GPU distribution board: MCIO connector BSystem board assembly: PCIe connector 1
3GPU distribution board: MCIO connector ASystem board assembly: PCIe connector 3