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Ansible Modules: tacp_datacenter

The tacp_datacenter module creates or deletes virtual datacenters (VDCs).

The tacp_datacenter module provides the following functions:
  • Create a new VDC:

    • Assign one or more migration zones to the VDC.

    • Assign one of more storage pools to the VDC.

    • Assign one or more networks to the VDC.

    • Download one or more application templates from the Lenovo Cloud Marketplace. The templates appear on in the VDC templates page.

  • Delete an existing VDC.

For an overview of VDCs in ThinkAgile CP, see the following topic:

Virtual datacenters

Sample Playbooks

  • For more information about the parameters used with the tacp_datacenter module, run the following command:

    ansible-doc -t module tacp_datacenter
  • For more information about obtaining the API key, which is used to access the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller, see the following topic:

    Authorize Token

Create a new Virtual Datacenter

The following is an Ansible playbook in .yml format that creates a new virtual datacenter (VDC) on the ThinkAgile CP stack:

- name: Create a new virtual datacenter
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
api_key: <api-key-created-from-the-developer-options-page>
- name: Create a new datacenter on ThinkAgile CP
api_key: "{{ api_key }}"
name: MY_NEW_VDC
support_widget_for_vdc_users: yes
- name: <name-of-existing-migration-zone>
cpu_cores: 10
memory_gb: 20
- name: <name-of-existing-storage-pool>
storage_gb: 100
- name: <name-of-existing-network>
network_type: VLAN
- name: <name-of-existing-network>
network_type: VNET
- name: FreeNAS 9.10
new_name: CustomFreeNAS 9.10
cpu_cores: 1
memory_mb: 2048
description: My custom FreeNAS template
wait_to_download: yes
- name: CentOS 7 - Jenkins - Lenovo Template
cpu_cores: 4
description: CentOS 7 with custom CPU cores amount
wait_to_download: no
- name: RHEL 7.4 (Minimal) - Lenovo Template
description: RHEL 7.4 with default resources
wait_to_download: no