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Ansible Modules: tacp_info

The tacp_info module retrieves information about application instances, application groups, categories, datacenters, firewall profiles, marketplace templates, migration zones, sites, storage pools, tags, users, and virtual networks (VLANs and VNETs).

The tacp_info module provides the following functions to retrieve inventory information:

  • Application instances

  • Application groups

  • Categories

  • Datacenters

  • Firewall profiles

  • Marketplace templates

  • Migration zones

  • Sites

  • Storage Pools

  • Tags

  • Users

  • VLAN networks

  • VNET networks

Sample Playbook

  • For more information about the parameters used with the tacp_info module, run the following command:

    ansible-doc -t module tacp_info
  • For more information about obtaining the API key, which is used to access the ThinkAgile CP Cloud Controller, see the following topic:

    Authorize Token

Retrieve application instances details

The following is an Ansible playbook in .yml format that retrieves details about the application instances present on the ThinkAgile CP stack:

- name: Retrieve application instances details
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
api_key: <api-key-created-from-the-developer-options-page>
- name: Retrieve details about application instances from ThinkAgile CP
api_key: "{{ api_key}}"
resource: instance

Retrieve virtual datacenter and network details

The following Ansible playbook retrieves details about the virtual datacenters (VDCs) and the networks present on the ThinkAgile CP stack:

- name: Retrieve virtual datacenter and network details
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
api_key: <api-key-created-from-the-developer-options-page>
- name: Retrieve details about virtual datacenters and networks from ThinkAgile CP
api_key: "{{ api_key}}"
resource: "{{ resource }}"
- datacenter
- vlan
- vnet
loop_var: resource

Retrieve the available Marketplace application templates

The following Ansible playbook retrieves a list of the available application templates from the Lenovo Cloud Marketplace:

- name: Retrieve virtual datacenter and network details
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
api_key: <api-key-created-from-the-developer-options-page>
- name: Retrieve a list of the available marketplace application templates from ThinkAgile CP
api_key: "{{ api_key}}"
resource: marketplace_template