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Install the ThinkAgile CP compute block

Procedures for installing ThinkAgile CP compute block in a rack.

To install the ThinkAgile CP compute block in a rack, do the following:

  1. Unpack the compute block box and check the contents

  2. Install the slide rails into the rack

  3. Install the enclosure on the slide rails

  4. Slide the compute enclosure into the rack

Firstly, unpack the storage block box and check the contents:

  • One compute block

  • One compute slide rails box:

    • One left slide rail

    • One right slide rail

    • Two M5 screws

    • Two washers

  • One Category 5e patch cable

  • Two power cords

  • Two SFP+ 10 GbE Direct Attach Cables (DACs)


If any of the slide box items are missing or are damaged, contact your place of purchase.

Figure 1. ThinkAgile CP compute slide rails box contents
Image of compute slide rails box contents