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Migrate a VM between compute nodes

This section covers the procedure required to migrate a VM from one compute node to another compute node.

Execution: Web Portal only

Procedure performed by: Solution administrator, or remotely by ThinkAgile Advantage Support (optional)

The compute node has no direct capability to migrate a VM between nodes, but you can use compute tags for VM migration.

Compute tags allow the system to stick a VM based on compute tag requirements. If a VM has a tag, it can only run on a compute node with this tag. When tags are added to VMs, the system automatically migrates VMs to the proper compute node.

To move one VM to a specific compute node:

  1. Add a new compute tag to the destination compute node. Do not reuse an existing tag. The best practice is to either use a random number or something like “temp_migrate_host_1.”
  2. Add the same tag to the VM you are migrating.
  3. Wait until the VM is running on the destination compute node. You can find the VMs running in a specific compute node by going in the compute node from the Hardware page and clicking View All in the Application Instances section.
  4. Remove the tag from the migrated VM.

    This removal must be done before proceeding to the next step.

  5. Remove the tag from the compute node.