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Place a support file on the storage or compute node

This section covers the procedure to place a support file on a storage or compute node.

Follow these steps to place a support file on a storage or compute node:

  1. Establish an SSH session with the proxy server:



    firstname.lastname is your Support user ID.

  2. On the proxy server, create a temporary directory and copy the support file there.
  3. Log out of the proxy server.
  4. Use SCP to copy the firmware packages (and LLDP64e) from your laptop to the directory on the proxy server:

    Graphic showing the SSH command to the proxy server.
  5. Establish an SSH session with the proxy server again.
  6. Make sure that the customer has enabled Support Mode.
  7. Use scp to copy the files from the SSH proxy to the primary interconnect switch (in the example, the files are copied to a /tmp directory)


    The port number used to connect to the interconnect switch is provided when the customer enables Support Mode.

  8. Establish an SSH session with the primary interconnect switch:

    ssh -p<port_number>cldtx_support@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no

  9. Verify that the files that you copied are in the temporary directory.