Item | Options | Description |
iSCSI Attempt Name | N/A | Attempt Name is assigned automatically and not changeable. |
iSCSI Mode |
| [Disabled], [Enabled], [Enabled for MPIO] Make sure all necessary items (for example, initiator IP, target IP and authentication settings) been set appropriately before enable this item. Otherwise, this attempt may be lost after reboot. |
Internet Protocol |
| Initiator IP address is system assigned in [IPv6] mode. In [Autoconfigure] mode, iSCSI driver will attempt to connect iSCSI target via IPv4 stack, if failed then attempt IPv6 stack. |
Connection Retry Count | [0] | The minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 16. 0 means no retry. |
Connection Establishing Timeout | [1000] | The timeout value in milliseconds. The minimum value is 100 milliseconds and the maximum is 20 seconds. |
OUI-format ISID | Example, 3CD30AC68EF8 | OUI-format ISID in 6 bytes, default value are derived from MAC address. Only last 3 bytes are configurable. These values are taken from “Configure ISID” control. |
Configure ISID | Example, C68EF8 | OUI-format ISID in 6 bytes, default value are derived from MAC address. Only last 3 bytes are configurable. Example: Update 0ABBCCDDEEFF to 0ABBCCF07901 by input F07901. |
Enable DHCP |
| Enable DHCP |
Initiator IP Address Note This item appears when | | Enter IP address. Note |
Initiator Subnet Mask Note This item appears when | | Enter IP address. Note |
Gateway Note This item appears when | | Enter IP address. Note |
Get target info via DHCP Note This item appears when |
| Get target info via DHCP. |
Target Name Note This item will not appear when | N/A | The worldwide unique name of the target. Only iqn. format is accepted. Range is from 4 to 223. Note |
Target Address Note This item will not appear when | N/A | Enter Target address in IPv4,IPv6 or URL format. You need to configure DNS server address in advance if input a URL string. |
Target Port Note This item will not appear when | [3260] | Target Port |
Boot LUN Note This item will not appear when | [0] | Hexadecimal representation of the LUN number. Examples are: 4751-3A4F-6b7e-2F99, 6734-9-156f-127, 4186-9. Note |
Authentication Type |
| Authentication method: [CHAP] or [None]. |
CHAP Type Note This item appears when Authentication Type is CHAP. |
| [One way] or [Mutual]. |
CHAP Name Note This item appears when | N/A | CHAP Name |
CHAP Secret Note This item appears when | N/A | The minimum length is 12 bytes and the maximum length is 16 bytes. Note |
CHAP Status Note This item appears when |
| [Not Installed] if “CHAP Name” and “CHAP Secret” are not set. [Installed] if “CHAP Name” and “CHAP Secret” are set. |
Reverse CHAP Name Note This item appears when | Reverse CHAP Name. | |
Reverse CHAP Secret Note This item appears when | The minimum length is 12 bytes and the maximum length is 16 bytes. Note | |
Reverse CHAP Status Note This item appears when |
| [Not Installed] if “Reverse CHAP Name” and “Reverse CHAP Secret” are not set. [Installed] if “Reverse CHAP Name” and “Reverse CHAP Secret” are set. |
Save Changes | N/A | Must reboot System manually for changes to take place. |
Back to Previous Page | N/A | Back to previous page. |