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Disk GPT Recovery

Table 1. Disk GPT Recovery
Disk GPT Recovery
  • Automatic

  • Manual (Default)

  • None

[Automatic] means that system UEFI will automatically repair the corrupt GUID Partition Table (GPT).

[Manual] means that system UEFI will only repair the corrupt GPT based on user input to a message box.

[None] means the system UEFI will not repair the corrupted GPT. Recovery result can be retrieved from the system event log.

Table 2. Disk GPT Recovery Message Box
Message BoxComment

DiskGUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Primary/Backup GPT corruption detected.

Press R to repair or N to skip

This message box is popped up only when “Disk GPT Recovery” is set to [Manual] and Primary or Backup GPT is corrupted.
Repairing GPT, please wait...This Message Box only display if user press “R” or “r” while “Press R to repair or N to skip” message Box display.