PATCH– Update update service status
Use the PATCH method to update the updateservice resource properties and status.
Request URL
PATCH https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/UpdateService
Request body
Field | Type | Description | ||
HttpPushUriTargets | Array | Items: string Item count: 0-1 | ||
HttpPushUriTargets[N] | String | An array of URIs that indicate where to apply the update image. It is initially blank, and the value updated by client is not kept after XCC2 reset. | ||
HttpPushUriTargetsBusy | Boolean | An indication of whether any client has reserved the HttpPushUriTargets property. The value is initially false, and is not kept after XCC2 reset. | ||
VerifyRemoteServerCertificate | Boolean | If the property is set to true, the service will verify the certificate of the HTTPS server referenced by the ImageURI property in SimpleUpdate prior to sending the transfer request. | ||
HttpPushUriOptions | Object | Expanded | ||
HttpPushUriApplyTime | Object | Expanded | ||
ApplyTime | String | The property needs to be set prior to performing a firmware update via Http Push Update. If it is “Immediate”, the firmware update flow will start immediately after image is uploaded. If it is “Oneset”, the flow will be in pending after image is uploaded and will resume when the Host is booting on or rebooting. The setting survives across XCC2 power cycles. |
The response returns same content as GET operation with updated properties.
Status code
HTTP Status Code | Error Message ID |
500 | InternalError |
The following example is PATCH body
"HttpPushUriTargets" : [
After the PATCH operation runs successfully, querying the update service resource returns below example JSON response:
"RemoteServerCertificates": {
"": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/RemoteServerCertificates"
"HttpPushUriTargets": [
"FirmwareInventory": {
"": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory"
"ServiceEnabled": true,
"MultipartHttpPushUri@Redfish.OperationApplyTimeSupport": {
"@odata.type": "#Settings.v1_3_4.OperationApplyTimeSupport",
"SupportedValues": [
"@odata.type": "#UpdateService.v1_11_0.UpdateService",
"": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService",
"Actions": {
"#UpdateService.SimpleUpdate": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Actions/UpdateService.SimpleUpdate",
"title": "SimpleUpdate",
"Targets@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"TransferProtocol@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"@Redfish.ActionInfo": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/SimpleUpdateActionInfo",
"@Redfish.OperationApplyTimeSupport": {
"@odata.type": "#Settings.v1_3_4.OperationApplyTimeSupport",
"SupportedValues": [
"Oem": {
"#LenovoUpdateService.BundleRollback": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Actions/Oem/LenovoUpdateService.BundleRollback",
"title": "BundleRollback"
"#LenovoUpdateService.UpdateFromRepository": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Actions/Oem/LenovoUpdateService.UpdateFromRepository",
"title": "UpdateFromRepository"
"#LenovoUpdateService.GetRepoUpdateDetail": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Actions/Oem/LenovoUpdateService.GetRepoUpdateDetail",
"title": "GetRepoUpdateDetail"
"#UpdateService.StartUpdate": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Actions/UpdateService.StartUpdate",
"title": "StartUpdate",
"@Redfish.ActionInfo": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/StartUpdateActionInfo"
"MaxImageSizeBytes": 250000000,
"HttpPushUriOptions": {
"HttpPushUriApplyTime": {
"ApplyTime": "Immediate",
"ApplyTime@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"@odata.etag": "\"12fc6cd9e7d7735944e43b\"",
"HttpPushUri": "/fwupdate",
"MultipartHttpPushUri": "/mfwupdate",
"Description": "Lenovo firmware update service.",
"HttpPushUriTargetsBusy": false,
"Name": "Update Service",
"Oem": {
"Lenovo": {
"BundleRepoAvailableSpaceInKB": 2004634,
"FirmwareServices": {
"": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Oem/Lenovo/FirmwareServices"
"@odata.type": "#LenovoUpdateService.v1_0_0.LenovoUpdateService"
"VerifyRemoteServerCertificate": false,
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#UpdateService.UpdateService",
"Status": {
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"State": "Enabled",
"Health": "OK"
"Id": "UpdateService"