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portcontrol command

Use this command to turn a network service port on or off.

portcontrol [-options]
Table 1. portcontrol options
-ipmiEnable or disable the ipmi access via LANon, off
-ipmi-kcsEnable on demand, enable, or disable ipmi access from serverauto, on, off
-restEnable or disable REST discoveryon, off
-snmpEnable or disable SNMP discoveryon, off
-ssdpEnable or disable SSDP discoveryon, off
-cliEnable or disable CLI discoveryon, off
-webEnable or disable WEB discoveryon, off
-allEnable or disable all interfaces and discovery protocolson, off
system> portcontrol
ipmi : on
ipmi-kcs : on
rest : on
snmp : off
ssdp : on
cli : on
web : on