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rdmount command

Use this command to mount remote disk images or network shares

  • Up to two files can be uploaded in the XClarity Controller memory and mounted as virtual media using the XClarity Controller RDOC feature. The total size for both files must not exceed 50 MB. The uploaded images are read only unless the –rw option is used.

  • When using the HTTP, SFTP, or FTP protocols to mount or map the images, the total size for all the images must not exceed 50 MB. There is no size limit if the NFS or SAMBA protocols are used.

rdmount [-options]
Table 1. rdmount options
-rrdoc operation (if used, must be first option)

-r -map: mount the RDOC images

-r -unmap <filename>: unmount the mounted RDOC images

-r -maplist: shows the mounted RDOC images via the XClarity Controller web browser and the CLI interface


-t <samba|nfs|http|sftp|ftp> filesystem type

-ro read-only

-rw read-write

-u user

-p password

-l file location (URL format)

-o option (extra option string for samba and nfs mounts)

-d domain (domain for samba mount)

-maplistShows the mapped images
-unmap<id|fname> use id with network images, filename with rdoc
-mountMount the mapped images
-unmountUnmount the mounted images