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usbeth command

Use this command to enable or disable the in-band LAN over USB interface.

  • The OS IP configuration settings is not used to set the OS IP address of Ethernet Over USB interface but is used to notify BMC that OS IP address of Ethernet over USB has changed.
  • Before you configure three IP settings for Ethernet over USB, you need to manually configure the OS IP address of Ethernet over USB interface in your local operating system.
usbeth [-options]
Table 1. usbeth options
-enEnable or disable the inband (Ethernet over USB) interface.enabled, disabled
-amSelect address mode IPv4 or IPv6 LLA.ipv4, ipv6lla
-ip, -sn, and -ipos options are only valid when the -am ipv4 mode is selected
-ipEthernet over USB interface IP address for BMC.Valid IP address
-snEthernet over USB interface subnet mask for BMC.Valid IP address
-iposEthernet over USB interface IP address for OS.Valid IP address
system> usbeth
-en : disabled
system> usbeth -en enabled
system> usbeth
-en : disabled