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accseccfg command

Use this command to display and configure account security settings.

accseccfg [-options]
Table 1. accseccfg options
-amSets user authentication method.local, ldap, localldap, ldaplocal
-lpLockout period after maximum login failures (minutes).Between 0 and 2880, 0 = lockout period does not expire
-pePassword expiration time period (days).Between 0 and 365, 0 = never expire
-pewPassword expiration warning time period
The Password expiration warning time period must be less than Password expiration time period.
Between 0 and 30, 0 = never warn
-pcPassword complexity rules enabled.on, off
-plPassword length.If password complexity rules are enabled, the password length is between 8 and 32. Otherwise, it is between 0 and 32.
-ciMinimum password change interval (hours).between 0 and 240, 0 = change immediately
-lfMaximum number of login failures.Between 0 and 10, 0 = never locked
-chgnewChange new user password after first login.on, off
-rcPassword reuse cycle.Between 0 and 10, 0 = reuse immediately
-wtWeb and Secure Shell inactivity session timeout (minutes).Between 0 and 1440
system> accseccfg
-am: local
-lp: 60
-pe: none
-pew: 0
-pc: on
-pl: 10
-ci: 0
-lf: 5
-chgnew: on
-rc: 5
-wt: 20