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Checking the Intel On Demand features installed in a processor

You can check the Intel On Demand features installed in a processor via XCC Web GUI, XCC REST API, and LXCE OneCLI. See the following for more information.
If the processor has not been installed with any license, it would not appear in the On Demand Capabilities for Intel CPU section in XCC Web GUI.
Use XCC Web GUI to check the Intel On Demand features installed in a processor
Go to BMC Configuration > License > On Demand Capabilities for Intel CPU > Choose CPU > License Features, where the installed features are listed.
Figure 1. Checking the Intel On Demand features installed in a processor in XCC Web GUI

Use XCC REST API to check the Intel On Demand features installed in a processor
  1. Use the GET method with the following Request URL to retrieve Intel On Demand features installed on CPU X, where X is the CPU numbering:
    GET https://bmc_ip/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPUX_OnDemandCapability
    For example, to retrieve Intel On Demand features installed on CPU 1, see the following:
    GET https://bmc_ip/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPU1_OnDemandCapability
  2. In the response JSON object, the FeatureList field contains the Intel On Demand features installed in this processor.
       "Oem": {
Use LXCE OneCLI to check the Intel On Demand features installed in a processor
  1. Check installed features with the following command:
    OneCli.exe fod report -b XCC_USER:XCC_PASSWORD@XCC_HOST
  2. The output shows all license, including Intel On Demand features. For example:
                                         FoD Reports result:
    | Feature | Key | Status | Description | User | Expired |
    | Type | ID | | Feature List | Reminding | Date |
    | N/A | CPU1_OnDemandCapability | StandbyOffline | DSA 4 instances, | N/A | N/A |
    | | | | IAA 4 instances | | |
    | N/A | CPU2_OnDemandCapability | Enabled | DSA 4 instances, | N/A | N/A |
    | | | | IAA 4 instances | | |
    | 004a | XCC2_Platinum | Enabled | Lenovo XClarity Controller 2 | N/A | N/A |
    | | | | Platinum Upgrade | | |