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Intel® On Demand Feedback

Acquiring and uploading Intel On Demand State Report

After completing enabling or transferring Intel On Demand, acquire and upload the State Report via XCC Web GUI, XCC REST API, and LXCE OneCLI. See the following for more information.

Use XCC Web GUI to upload State Report
  1. Open XCC Web GUI, go to BMC Configuration > License > On Demand Capabilities for Intel CPU > Choose CPU > Export State Report
    Figure 1. Export State Report via XCC Web GUI

  2. Upload State Report via On Demand Feedback section in the Lenovo Features on Demand website.

Use XCC REST API to upload State Report
  1. Use the GET method with the following Request URL to retrieve CPU State Report API, where X is the CPU numbering:
    GET https://bmc_ip/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPUX_OnDemandCapability
    For example, to retrieve CPU 1 State Report API, see the following:
    GET https://bmc_ip/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPU1_OnDemandCapability
  2. In the response JSON object, the response of the target field of the LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport field is the CPU State Report API, where X is the CPU numbering:
       "Actions": {
    "Oem": {
    "#LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport": {
    "title": "ExportStateReport",
    "target": "/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPUX_OnDemandCapability/Actions/Oem/LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport"
    In the following example, the response of the target field is the CPU 1 State Report API. Copy the CPU 1 State Report API.
       "Actions": {
    "Oem": {
    "#LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport": {
    "title": "ExportStateReport",
    "target": "/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPU1_OnDemandCapability/Actions/Oem/LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport"
  3. Retrieve the State Report.

    1. Use the POST method with the following Request URL with CPU State Report API to retrieve the State Report, where X is the CPU numbering:
      POST https://bmc_ip/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPUX_OnDemandCapability/Actions/Oem/LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport
      For example, to retrieve CPU 1 State Report, see the following:
      POST https://bmc_ip/redfish/v1/LicenseService/Licenses/CPU1_OnDemandCapability/Actions/Oem/LenovoLicense.ExportStateReport
    2. Use an empty JSON object as POST data. When using API tool such as Postman, fill an empty JSON object in Body > Raw > JSON, fill a NULL object ‘{}’ in a JSON file.

  4. In the response, retrieve the State Report in the stateReports field.

    "stateReports": [
    "syntaxVersion": "1.0",
    "timestamp": "",
    "objectId": "",
    "hardwareComponentData": [
    "hardwareId": {
    "type": "PPIN",
    "value": ""
    "stateCertificate": {
    "pendingCapabilityActivationPayloadCount": ,
    "value": ""
    "hardwareType": "CPU"
  5. Upload State Report via On Demand Feedback section in the Lenovo Features on Demand website.

Use LXCE OneCLI to upload State Report
  1. Acquire State Report with the following command:
    OneCli.exe fod exportreport -b XCC_USER:XCC_PASSWORD@XCC_HOST
  2. Upload State Report with the following command:

    OneCli.exe fod uploadreport --file CPU1_xxxxxx_StateReport.json --kmsid KMS_USER:KMS_PASSWORD

    CPU1_xxxxxx_StateReport.json is the file name downloaded from the fod exportreport command in Step 1.

    KMS_USER and KMS_PASSWORD are your ID and password on the the Lenovo Features on Demand website.