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Restarting XClarity Administrator

You can restart Lenovo XClarity Administrator from the web interface or from the hypervisor after a shutdown.

Before you begin

You must have lxc-supervisor or lxc-admin authority to restart XClarity Administrator.

Ensure that no jobs are currently running. Any jobs that are currently running are canceled during the restart process. To view the jobs log, see Monitoring jobs.

About this task

There are certain situations when you are required to restart Lenovo XClarity Administrator:
  • When regenerating a server certificate
  • When uploading a new server certificate


Complete one of the following procedures to restart Lenovo XClarity Administrator.

  • Containers

    Run the following commands to stop and then start the container, where <env_filename> is the name of the environment variables file.
    docker-compose -p ${CONTAINER_NAME} down
    COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=300 docker-compose –p ${CONTAINER_NAME} ––env–file <ENV_FILENAME> up -d
  • Virtual appliances

    • Restart Lenovo XClarity Administrator from the web interface:

      1. From the Lenovo XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Administration > Shut Down Management Server.

        A confirmation dialog is displayed with a list of jobs that are currently running. When you restart Lenovo XClarity Administrator, the jobs are canceled.

      2. Click Restart.

        When Lenovo XClarity Administrator shuts down, connectivity to Lenovo XClarity Administrator is lost.

      3. Wait a few minutes for Lenovo XClarity Administrator to restart, and then log in again.

    • Restart Lenovo XClarity Administrator from the hypervisor after a shutdown:

      • Microsoft Hyper-V

        1. From the Server Manager Dashboard, click Hyper-V.
        2. Right-click the server, and click Hyper-V Manager.
        3. Right-click the virtual machine, and click Start.

          When the virtual machine is started, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are listed for each interface, as shown in the following example.

          The XClarity Administrator eth0 management port uses a DHCP IP address by default. At the end of the XClarity Administrator boot process, you can choose to set a static IP address for the eth0 management port by entering 1 when prompted, as shown in the example below. The prompt is available for 150 seconds, until the login prompt is displayed. To proceed to the login prompt without delay, enter x at the prompt.

          • When changing the static IP address settings, you have a maximum of 60 seconds to enter the new settings. Ensure that you have the required IP information before continuing.

            • For IPv4 settings, you must have the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address

            • For IPv6 settings, you must have the IP address and prefix length

          • If you are not using a DHCP server, you can use a configuration file to specify the IP settings for the XClarity Administrator eth0 management port. that you want to use to access the XClarity Administrator. For more information, see the What to do next section below.

          • If you change the IP address settings from the console, XClarity Administrator is restarted to apply the new settings.

          • No action is required to log in. Ignore the console login message. The console interface is not for customer use.

          • You might see the message TCP: eth0: Driver has suspect GRO implementation, TCP performance may be compromised on the console. The performance of the virtual machine is not impacted, and you can ignore this warning.

          Changing the IP address of the XClarity Administrator management port after managing devices might cause the devices to be placed in offline state in XClarity Administrator. If you choose to change the IP address after XClarity Administrator is up and running, ensure that all devices are unmanaged before changing the IP address.
          Lenovo XClarity Administrator Version x.x.x

          eth0 flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 metric 1
          inet netmask broadcast
          inet6 2001:db8:56ff:fe80:bea3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
          ether 00:15:5d:0c:d1:92 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
          RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0

          eth1 flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 metric 1
          inet netmask broadcast
          inet6 2001:db8:56ff:fe80:bea3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>


          You have 150 seconds to change IP settings. Enter one of the following:
          1. To set a static IP address for Lenovo XClarity virtual appliance eth0 port
          2. To use a DHCP address for Lenovo XClarity virtual appliance eth0 port
          x. To continue without changing IP settings
          ... ...

        4. Log in to Lenovo XClarity Administrator (see Logging in to XClarity Administrator).
      • VMware ESXi

        1. Connect to the host through VMware vSphere Client.
        2. Right-click the virtual machine, and click Power > Power on.
        3. Click the Console tab.

          When the virtual machine is started, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are listed for each interface, as shown in the following example.

          The XClarity Administrator eth0 management port uses a DHCP IP address by default. At the end of the XClarity Administrator boot process, you can choose to set a static IP address for the eth0 management port by entering 1 when prompted, as shown in the example below. The prompt is available for 150 seconds, until the login prompt is displayed. To proceed to the login prompt without delay, enter x at the prompt.

          • When changing the static IP address settings, you have a maximum of 60 seconds to enter the new settings. Ensure that you have the required IP information before continuing.

            • For IPv4 settings, you must have the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address

            • For IPv6 settings, you must have the IP address and prefix length

          • If you are not using a DHCP server, you can use a configuration file to specify the IP settings for the XClarity Administrator eth0 management port. that you want to use to access the XClarity Administrator. For more information, see the What to do next section below.

          • If you change the IP address settings from the console, XClarity Administrator is restarted to apply the new settings.

          • No action is required to log in. Ignore the console login message. The console interface is not for customer use.

          • You might see the message TCP: eth0: Driver has suspect GRO implementation, TCP performance may be compromised on the console. The performance of the virtual machine is not impacted, and you can ignore this warning.

          Changing the IP address of the XClarity Administrator management port after managing devices might cause the devices to be placed in offline state in XClarity Administrator. If you choose to change the IP address after XClarity Administrator is up and running, ensure that all devices are unmanaged before changing the IP address.
          Lenovo XClarity Administrator Version x.x.x

          eth0 flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 metric 1
          inet netmask broadcast
          inet6 2001:db8:56ff:fe80:bea3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
          ether 00:15:5d:0c:d1:92 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
          RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0

          eth1 flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 metric 1
          inet netmask broadcast
          inet6 2001:db8:56ff:fe80:bea3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>


          You have 150 seconds to change IP settings. Enter one of the following:
          1. To set a static IP address for Lenovo XClarity virtual appliance eth0 port
          2. To use a DHCP address for Lenovo XClarity virtual appliance eth0 port
          x. To continue without changing IP settings
          ... ...

        4. Log in to Lenovo XClarity Administrator (see Logging in to XClarity Administrator).

After you finish

When Lenovo XClarity Administrator restarts, it recollects inventory for each managed device. Wait approximately 30-45 minutes, depending upon the number of managed devices, before attempting firmware updates, configuration pattern deployments, or operating-system deployments.