What’s new in the REST API for v4.2
Lenovo XClarity Administrator v4.2 supports enhancements to the Open REST API.
This documentation includes new methods and parameters that apply to the current XClarity Administrator release and later. If you are using an earlier release of XClarity Administrator, you can use the REST API Reference PDF for a list of methods and parameters that apply to that specific release. To find PDFs for the release that you need, see PDF files.
The following methods were added or updated in this release.
- Virtual appliance
- GET /aicc . Added the kernel_parameters response attribute to return the custom kernel parameters.
- Resources
- GET /nodes and GET /nodes/{uuid_list}. Added the XCC3 value mgmtProcType response attribute to support the management controller in ThinkSystem V4 servers. Added faceplateIDs.firmware response attribute to return information about faceplate firmware.
- POST /manageRequest. Added the sshPort request parameter for Mellanox switches to specify the SSH port to use for management.
- Jobs
- (New) GET /nodes/{uuid}/jobs/{job-id}. Returns the return active job information on a specific ThinkSystem or ThinkAgile server.
- (New) GET /nodes/{uuid}/jobs/{job-id}/steps/{member-id}. Returns the subtask information for job that is running on a specific ThinkSystem or ThinkAgile server.
- (New) GET /nodes/{uuid}/tasks/{task-id}. Returns information about a task that is running on a specific ThinkSystem or ThinkAgile server.
- Firmware updates
- PUT /updateRepositories/firmware. Added the action=cleanup query parameter and cleanUpIf request attribute to delete all firmware update package that are not in use.
- PUT /updatableComponents. Added the onReset value was added to the activationMode query parameter to perform the update the next time the server restarts.
- Configuration patterns
- GET /compliancePolicies. Added the allPackageExistence response attribute to return whether the firmware packages exist in the updates repository.
- GET /patterns. Added the platform response attribute to return the hardware platform that is associated with the server-configuration pattern.
- GET /patterns/{id}. Added the platform response attribute to return the hardware platform that is associated with the server-configuration pattern.
- POST /patterns. Added category patterns for extended management-controller and BIOS settings for ThinkSystem V4 server (see Extended ThinkSystem V4 management-controller pattern attributes and Extended ThinkSystem V4 BIOS pattern attributes)
- GET /patterns/{id}/includeSettings. Added the platform response attribute to return the hardware platform that is associated with the server-configuration pattern.
- Alerts and eventsAdd more values for the event class attributes in these REST APIs.
- GET /events/activeAlerts
- GET /events/activeAlerts/{uuid}
- GET /events/monitors
- POST /events/monitors
- GET /events/monitors/{monitor_id}
- PUT /events/monitors/{forwarder_id}
- GET /events/notifications
- GET /events/notifications/{pusher_type}/subscriptions
- POST /events/notifications/{pusher_type}/subscriptions
- GET /events/notifications/{pusher_type}/subscriptions/{subscription_ID}
- GET /events/notifications/{pusher_type}/subscriptions/{subscription_ID}/filters
- POST /events/notifications/{pusher_type}/subscriptions/{subscription_ID}/filters
- GET /events/notifications/{pusher_type}/subscriptions/{subscription_ID}/filters/{filter_name}
- GET /events/notifications/subscriptions
- PUT /events/notifications/subscriptions
- GET /events/notifications/subscriptions/{subscription_id}
- GET /events/notifications/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/filters
- PUT /events/notifications/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/filters
- GET /events/notifications/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/filters/{filter_name}
- GET /events/predefinedFilters
- POST /events/predefinedFilters
- PUT /events/predefinedFilters
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