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Summary of changes in the PowerShell toolkit

Lenovo XClarity Administrator supports enhancements to the PowerShell toolkit.

Version 4.2.0

The following cmdlets were modified to add more values for the eventClass property.

Version 4.1.0

There are no changes to the PowerShell toolkit in this release.

Version 4.0.0

The following cmdlets were added or modified.
  • Connect-LXCA. Added the -ChangeExpiredPassword parameter to prompts for the current password, new password, and confirm password if the password is expired.
  • Get-LXCAServer. Added the -Type parameter to specify the server type.
  • Get-LXCASystemCompliance. Added the EdgeServer value for the -SystemType parameter.
  • Get-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy. Added the EdgeServer value for the -SystemType parameter.
  • Install-LXCAUpdatePackage. Added the EdgeServer value for the -SystemType parameter.
  • Invoke-LXCASystemAction. Starts a job that runs in the background to perform the requested power operation. Added the -Schedule parameter to create a schedule for performing the power operation. Added the -DeviceUUID parameter to replace the following deprecated attributes: -CMMUuid, -ComputeNodeUuid, -CanisterUuid, -IOSwitchUuid, -RackServerUuid, -ThinkServerUuid, -RackSwitchUuid, -StorageUuid. Added the -ServerAction parameter to replace the following deprecated attributes: -ComputeNodeAction, -RackServerAction, -ThinkServerAction.
  • Join-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy. Added the EdgeServer value for the -SystemType parameter.
  • (New) New-LXCAScheduleObj. Creates a local schedule object that can be used with certain cmdlets to create a scheduled job on XClarity Administrator.
  • (New) New-LXCAScheduleRule. Creates a rule for a recurring schedule object that is to be created using New-LXCAScheduleObj cmdlet.
  • Set-LXCASystemIPInterface. Added the -ServerUuid parameter to specify the UUID of a server for which you want to set the IP interface. Deprecated -ServerUuid and -ComputeNodeUuid parameter; however, these aliases are supported for backward compatibility
  • Set-LXCASystemProperty. Added the -ServerUuid parameter to specify the UUID of a server for which you want to modify system properties. Deprecated -ServerUuid, -ThinkServerUuid and -ComputeNodeUuid parameter; however, these aliases are supported for backward compatibility
The following data objects were added or modified.

Version 3.6.0

PowerShell toolkit for PowerShell 7.x has a flaw that prevent the uploading of files larger than 2 GB. A fix was added to PowerShell toolkit for XClarity Administrator to allow uploading files that are larger then 2 GB.

The following cmdlets were added or modified.

The following data objects were added or modified.

Version 3.5.0

Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.3 is supported (see Installing the Lenovo XClarity Administrator PowerShell toolkit).

The following cmdlets were added or modified.

  • Add-LXCAManagedDevice. Added the -DeviceAddress parameter to specify the IP address of the device (such as a Brocade switch) to manage. Added the -DeviceType parameter to specify the type of device to manage. Added the -DisableDeviceDiscovery parameter to manage the device without SLP discovery.
  • (New) Get-LXCABulletins. Returns a list of bulletins from the last 30 days.
  • (New) Set-LXCABulletinService. Enables or disables receiving Lenovo bulletins.
The following data objects were added or modified.

Version 3.4.0

The following cmdlets were added or modified.

  • Install-LXCAUpdatePackage. Added the -applyBundle parameter to apply firmware updates to all components of specified ThinkSystem SR635 and SR655 devices according to the assigned firmware-compliance policy using a bundled image that contain all applicable firmware packages.
  • (New) Get-LXCAIdentityManagementSystems. Returns information about all configured identity-management systems or a specific identity-management system configuration.
The following data objects were added.

Version 3.3.0

The following cmdlets were added or modified.

  • Add-LXCAManagedDevice. Supports discovering and managing a server using CyberArk authentication, using new properties -ServerAddress, -UserName, -ApplicationId, -Folder, and -Safe.
  • (New) Copy-LXCABackup. Copies a Lenovo XClarity Administrator backup from the local repository to a remote share, copy a backup from a remote share to the local repository, or to move a backup from the local repository to a remote share
  • (New) Get-LXCASingleSignon. Returns the single sign-on setting for XClarity Administrator or for a specific server.
  • (New) Restore-LXCABackup. Restores Lenovo XClarity Administrator system data, settings, and imported files such as operating-system images, firmware updates, and OS device drivers.
  • (New) Set-LXCASingleSignon. Modifies the single sign-on setting for XClarity Administrator or for a specific server.
The following data objects were added.

Version 3.2.0

The following cmdlets were added or modified.

  • (New) Backup-LXCA. Creates a backup of XClarity Administrator system data, settings, and imported files such as operating-system images, firmware updates, and OS device drivers.
  • (New) Get-LXCABackups. Retrieves information about all Lenovo XClarity Administrator backups or export (download) an XClarity Administrator backup (.tar file) to the local system.
  • (New) Remove-LXCABackup. Deletes an Lenovo XClarity Administrator from a specific location
The following data objects were added.
  • (New) LXCABackupResult class. Contains information about the XClarity Administrator backup process.
  • (New) BackupInfo class. Contains information about a specific Lenovo XClarity Administrator backup.
  • (New) LXCABackupsInfo class. Contains information about all Lenovo XClarity Administrator backups.
  • (New) LXCAFileDownloadResult class. Contains the full path to the file that was downloaded from Lenovo XClarity Administrator to the local system.

Version 3.1.1

There are no changes to the PowerShell toolkit in this release.

Version 3.1.0

XClarity Administrator v3.1 requires PowerShell 4, 5.1 or PowerShell Core 7.0.3 or later.

The following cmdlets were added or modified.
  • Get-LXCATask. The -LegacyMode parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • (New) Update-LXCAFirmwareRepository. Refreshes the firmware catalog by retrieving information (metadata) about firmware updates and UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs) from the Lenovo Support website, or downloads specific firmware updates or UXSPs from Lenovo XClarity Support website and stores the files in the updates repository.
The following data objects were added.

Version 3.0.0

The following cmdlets were added.

The following data objects were added.