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compare command

Use the compare command to compare the current values with the specified values for one or more settings.

compare command syntax

OneCli.exe config compare [command option] [common options]
Table 1. compare command specific parameters
command optionOptional
  • all: Default value. Displays all of the supported settings.

  • group name: Displays the settings that belong to a group name, such as IMM, UEFI, and so on.

  • setting name: The setting name value.

--fileOptionalSpecify the file name, contains <setting>=<value> from command <save>.
--interactive, -iOptionalRun OneCLI in the interactive mode.
--kcsOptionalForce to use IPMI over KCS local interface.
--pendingOptionalCompare the current value and the pending value for one or more settings.
  • --bmc, -b

  • --bmc-rest-port, -p

  • --bmc-password, -w

  • --bmc-username, -u

  • --config

  • --configfile

  • --check-trust, -C

  • --nolog

  • --node, -n

  • --never-check-trust, -N

  • --output, -o

  • --redfish


Refer to Table 2.

  • When using with the --pending option, the compare command can be used as the comparepending command, and the format is comparepending or compare --pending.

  • For some settings, the updated values are displayed in the pending list and will take effect after the reboot.

Example of the compare command

Compare the pending value with the current value:

onecli.exe config compare --pending --bmc USERID:PASSW0RD@XX.XX.XX.XX

Compare the pending value with saved values in the specified file:

onecli.exe config compare --file save.txt --bmc USERID:PASSW0RD@XX.XX.XX.XX