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install command

Use the install command to install the target the FoD key to the target key repository.

install command syntax

OneCli.exe fod install < --keyfile <key_file>> [<options>]
Table 1. install command specific parameters

The parameter only for snmpv3, Protocol supported value: MD5/SHA, default: No auth.

Format: --authproto MD5 or --authproto.

--communityOptionalCommunity for snmpv1v2. Supported value: public/private/ protect, default: public.
--kcsOptionalForce to use IPMI over KCS local interface.

Specify the path or file name of the FoD key file on local system.

Example: --keyfile ./test/, --keyfile key.

--node, -nOptionalNode index for in-band case on a multi-node system.

The parameter only for snmpv3. Privacy protocol supported value: DES/AES, default: No privacy.

Format: --privproto DES or --privproto

--privpasswdOptionalPrivacy password.

Specify the SFTP server.

Format: user:password@IP:port

--switchOptionalSWITCH connection information. Format: user:password@IP: port
--tftpOptionalTFTP server for snmp interface. Format: user:password@host: port
  • --bmc, -b

  • --bmc-cim-port, -p

  • --bmc-password, -w

  • --bmc-username, -u

  • --cmm, -c

  • --check-trust, -C

  • --never-check-trust, -N

  • --nolog

  • --output, -o


Refer to Table 2.

Example of the install command

OneCli.exe fod install --keyfile OneCli-222232-20170620-102814\7.key --switch userid:password@host
--tftp host:xxxx --community private --authproto MD5 --privproto DES