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Remove the PCIe riser assembly

Use this information to remove the PCIe riser assembly.

About this task
Read the Installation Guidelines to ensure that you work safely.

  1. Make preparations for this task.
    1. Turn off the corresponding compute node on which you are going to perform the task.
    2. Remove the compute node from the enclosure (see Remove a compute node from the enclosure).
    3. Remove the components listed below from the compute node in the following order:
  2. Remove the PCIe riser assembly from the compute node.
    1. Loosen the captive screw on the PCIe riser assembly.
    2. Carefully grasp the PCIe riser assembly by its edges and lift it out of the compute node tray.
      The PCIe riser assembly is located on the left side of the compute node as illustrated while the drive cage assembly is on the right.
      Figure 1. PCIe riser assembly removal
      PCIe riser assembly removal

After you finish

If you are instructed to return the component or optional device, follow all of the packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you.

Demo video

Watch the procedure on YouTube