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Shock and vibration specifications

The following information is a summary of the shock and vibration specifications of the server. Depending on the model, some features might not be available, or some specifications might not apply.

Table 1. Shock and vibration specifications
ThinkEdge SE455 V3




Operation shock & vibration

0.21Grms, 5-500 Hz, 15 min/axis

15G, 3ms, half-sine, ±X, ±Y, ±Z

Fragility shock & vibration (when the server is not in operation, such as in shipping)

1.04Grms, 2-200 Hz

52G, 152in/sec

Rack-load vibration & drop

0.8Grms, 2-200 Hz


Free-fall drop height: 40-100mm

Equivalent shock: 40-70 inch/sec, 2-3 ms

Table 2. Environmental criteria (NEBs GR63)
ThinkEdge SE455 V3

Environmental criteria (NEBs GR63)

Bench handling dropOffice vibration Earthquake test

Edge drop height (each edge): 100mm

Free-fall drop height: 75mm

0.21Grms, 5-100 Hz, 30 min/axisGR63 earthquake zone 4