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FQXSFMA0053M : DIMM [arg1] not defective but disabled due to unsupported memory module combination on CPU [arg2].

DIMM [arg1] not defective but disabled due to unsupported memory module combination on CPU [arg2].


[arg1] DIMM Silk Label list. (eg1. 1 2. 1 & 2 & 3).

[arg2] CPU label

This message is reported when DIMM disabled due to population downgrade.



User Action

Complete the following steps:

  1. This event could follow an uncorrectable memory error or failed memory test. Check the log and resolve that event first. DIMMs disabled by other errors or actions could cause this event.
  2. Ensure that the DIMM are populated in the correct sequence, according to the service information for this product.
  3. If DIMMs are present and properly installed, check for any lit DIMM connector error LEDs, and if found, reseat those DIMMs, then check logs for memory diagnostic codes.
  4. Reset UEFI to default settings.
  5. If problem persists, update UEFI firmware.
  6. If the problem persists, collect Service Data logs and contact Lenovo Support.