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FQXSFPU4059I : User requested to skip freezing lock of AHCI-attached SATA drives. System UEFI accepted the request and will execute prior to OS boot.

User requested to skip freezing lock of AHCI-attached SATA drives. System UEFI accepted the request and will execute prior to OS boot.

This message is reported when system UEFI accepted the request and will execute prior to OS boot.



User Action

Complete the following steps:

  1. Change SystemOobCustom.SkipAhciFreezeLock from Disable to Enable using OneCLI tool.(use OneCLI command “OneCli config set SystemOobCustom.SkipAhciFreezeLock “Enabled” --imm IMM_USERID:IMM_PASSWORD@IMM_IP --override”).
  2. Reboot the system into OS.