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Drive backplane connectors

See this section to locate the connectors on the drive backplanes.

Two types of drive backplanes are supported in this server:

8x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA backplane

Figure 1. 8x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA backplane connectors
8x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA backplane connectors
1 SAS/SATA2 Power connector

8x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA/NVMe backplane

Figure 2. 8x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA/NVMe backplane connectors
8x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA/NVMe backplane connectors
1 NVMe 6-74 Power connector
2 NVMe 4-55 NVMe 2-3
3 SAS/SATA6 NVMe 0-1