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users command

Use this command to access all user accounts and their authority levels.

The users command is also used to create new user accounts and modify existing accounts. Running the users command with no options displays a list of users and some basic user information. The following table shows the arguments for the options.

Table 1. users command. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.
-user_indexUser account index number1 through 12, inclusive, or all for all users.
-nUser account nameUnique string containing only numbers, letters, periods, and underscores. Minimum of 4 characters and maximum of 16 characters.
-pUser account passwordString that contains at least one alphabetic and one non-alphabetic character. Minimum of 6 characters and maximum of 20 characters. Null creates an account without a password that the user must set during their first login.
-aAuthority levelThe authority level can be one of the following levels:
  • super (supervisor)

  • ro (read only)

  • Any combination of the following values, separated by |:
    • am (user account management access)

    • rca (remote console access)

    • rcvma (remote console and virtual media access)

    • pr (remote server power/restart access)

    • cel (ability to clear event logs)

    • bc (adapter configuration [basic])

    • nsc (adapter configuration [network and security])

    • ac (adapter configuration [advanced])

-epEncryption password (for backup/restore)Valid password
-clearErase specified user account

If you are authorized, you can remove your own account or the account of other users, even if they are currently logged in, unless it is the only account remaining with User Account Management privileges. Sessions that are already in progress when user accounts are deleted will not be automatically terminated.

User account index number to erase must be specified, following the form:

users -clear -user_index

-currDisplay users currently logged in 
-sauthSNMPv3 authentication protocolHMAC-SHA, none
-sprivSNMPv3 privacy protocolCBC-DES, AES, none
-spwSNMPv3 privacy passwordValid password
-sepwSNMPv3 privacy password (encrypted)Valid password
-saccSNMPv3 access typeget, set
-strapSNMPv3 trap host nameValid host name
-pkDisplay SSH public key for userUser account index number.
  • Each SSH key assigned to the user is displayed, along with an identifying key index number.
  • When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form: users -2 -pk.
  • All keys are in OpenSSH format.
  • For Flex nodes, the users commands are limited to only local IPMI and SNMP accounts. The option -pk is not supported for Flex Systems.
-eDisplay entire SSH key in OpenSSH format

(SSH public key option)

This option takes no arguments and must be used exclusive of all other users -pk options.
When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form: users -2 -pk -e.
-removeRemove SSH public key from user

(SSH public key option)

Public key index number to remove must be given as a specific -key_index or -all for all keys assigned to the user.
  • When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form: users -2 -pk -remove -1.
  • For Flex nodes, the users commands are limited to only local IPMI and SNMP accounts. The option -remove is not supported for Flex Systems.
-addAdd SSH public key for user

(SSH public key option)

Quote-delimited key in OpenSSH format
  • The -add option is used exclusive of all other users -pk command options.
  • When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form:

    users -2 -pk -add "AAAAB3NzC1yc2EAAAABIwAAA QEAvfnTUzRF7pdBuaBy4dO/aIFasa/Gtc+o/wlZnuC4aD HMA1UmnMyLOCiIaNOy4OOICEKCqjKEhrYymtAoVtfKApv Y39GpnSGRC/qcLGWLM4cmirKL5kxHNOqIcwbT1NPceoKH j46X7E+mqlfWnAhhjDpcVFjagM3Ek2y7w/tBGrwGgN7DP HJU1tzcJy68mEAnIrzjUoR98Q3/B9cJD77ydGKe8rPdI2 hIEpXR5dNUiupA1Yd8PSSMgdukASKEd3eRRZTBl3SAtMu cUsTkYjlXcqex1OQz4+N50R6MbNcwlsx+mTEAvvcpJhug a70UNPGhLJMl6k7jeJiQ8Xd2p XbOZQ=="

  • For Flex nodes, the users commands are limited to only local IPMI and SNMP accounts. The option -add is not supported for Flex Systems.
-upldUpload an SSH public key

(SSH public key option)

Requires the -i and -l options to specify key location.
  • The -upld option is used exclusive of all other users -pk command options (except for -i and -l).
  • To replace a key with a new key, you must specify a -key_index. To add a key to the end of the list of current keys, do not specify a key index.
  • When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form: users -2 -pk -upld -i tftp:// -l file.key.
  • For Flex nodes, the users commands are limited to only local IPMI and SNMP accounts. The option -upld is not supported for Flex Systems.
-dnldDownload the specified SSH public key

(SSH public key option)

Requires a -key_index to specify the key to download and the -i and -l options to specify the download location on another computer running a TFTP server.
  • The -dnld option is used exclusive of all other users -pk command options (except for -i, -l, and -key_index).
  • When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form: users -2 -pk -dnld -1 -i tftp:// -l file.key.
-iIP address of TFTP/SFTP server for uploading or downloading a key file

(SSH public key option)

Valid IP address
The -i option is required by the users -pk -upld and users -pk -dnld command options.
-pnPort number of TFTP/SFTP server

(SSH public key option)

Valid port number (default 69/22)
An optional parameter for the users -pk -upld and users -pk -dnld command options.
-uUser name for SFTP server

(SSH public key option)

Valid user name
An optional parameter for the users -pk -upld and users -pk -dnld command options.
-pwPassword for SFTP server

(SSH public key option)

Valid password
An optional parameter for the users -pk -upld and users -pk -dnld command options.
-lFile name for uploading or downloading a key file via TFTP or SFTP

(SSH public key option)

Valid file name
The -l option is required by the users -pk -upld and users -pk -dnld command options.
-afAccept connections from host

(SSH public key option)

A comma-separated list of hostnames and IP addresses, limited to 511 characters. Valid characters include: alphanumeric, comma, asterisk, question mark, exclamation point, period, hyphen, colon and percent sign.

(SSH public key option)

Quote-delimited string of up to 255 characters.
When using the SSH public key options, the -pk option must be used after the user index (-userindex option), of the form: users -2 -pk -cm "This is my comment.".
users [-options] - display/configure user accounts
-[1-12] - user account number
-l - display password expiration days
-n - username (limited to 16 characters)
-p - password (limited to 32 characters)
-shp - set hashpassword (total 64 characters)
-ssalt - set salt (limited to 64 characters)
-ghp - get hashpassword
-gsalt - get salt
-ep - encrypted password (used with backup/restore )

-a - authority level (super, ro, custom:am|rca|rcvma|pr|cel|bc|nsc|ac)
-am - User account management access
-rca - Remote console access
-rcvma - Remote console and remote disk (virtual media) access
-pr - Remote server power/restart access
-cel - Ability to clear event logs
-bc - Adapter Configuration (basic)
-nsc - Adapter Configuration (network and security)
-ac - Adapter Configuration (advanced)

-clear - clear user account
-curr - display current users
-sauth (none|HMAC-SHA) - snmpv3 authentication protocol
-spriv (none|CBC-DES|AES) - snmpv3 privacy protocol
-spw password - snmpv3 privacy password
-sepw encryptedpassword - snmpv3 privacy password (encrypted)
-sacc (Get) - snmpv3 Access type
-strap hostname - snmpv3 trap hostname

-pk - SSH public keys options:
-e - Displays the entire key in OpenSSH format
-remove - Removes the specified key for the specified user
-add - Adds a public key for the specified user
-upld - Used to upload a public key in OpenSSH/RFC4716 format
-dnld - Used to download the specified public key to a TFTP/SFTP server
-i - IP address of the TFTP/SFTP
-pn - port number of tftp/sftp server (default 69/22)
-u - username for sftp server
-pw - password for sftp server
-l - Filename of the key file when uploading or downloading via TFTP/SFTP
-af - accept connections from host, in the format: from="<list>", where
is a comma-separated list of hostnames and IP addresses
(limited to 511 characters)
-cm - comment (limited to 255 characters, must be quote-delimited)

-a custom permission flags can be used in any combinations.
system> users
Account Login ID Advanced Attribute Role Password Expires
------- -------- ------------------ ------ ----------------
1 USERID Native Administrator 89 day(s)
system> users -2 -n sptest -p Passw0rd12 -a super
The user is required to change the password when the user logs in to the management server for the first time
system> users
Account Login ID Advanced Attribute Role Password Expires
------- -------- ------------------ ------ ----------------
1 USERID Native Administrator 90 day(s)
2 sptest Native Administrator Password expired
system> hashpw –sw enabled –re enabled
system> users -5 –n guest5 –shp 292bcbc41bb078cf5bd258db60b63a4b337c8c954409442cfad7148bc6428fee –ssalt abc –a super
system> users -5 ghp
system> users -5 gsalt
system> users -2 -n sptest -p Passw0rd12 -a custom:am|rca
The user is required to change the password when the user logs in to the management server for the first time