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portcontrol command

Use this command to turn a network service port on or off.

Currently this command only supports control of the port for the IPMI protocol. Type portcontrol to display the IPMI port state. To enable or disable the IPMI network port, type the -ipmi option followed by the on or off values.

Table 1. portcontrol command. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.
-allEnable or disable all interfaces and discovery protocolson, off
-cimEnable or disable CIM discoveryon, off
-ipmiEnable or disable the ipmi access via LANon, off
-ipmi-kcsEnable or disable ipmi access from serveron, off
-restEnable or disable REST discoveryon, off
-slpEnable or disable SLP discoveryon, off
-snmpEnable or disable SNMP discoveryon, off
-ssdpEnable or disable SSDP discoveryon, off
-cliEnable or disable CLI discoveryon, off
-webEnable or disable WEB discoveryon, off
portcontrol [options]
-ipmi on/off

system> portcontrol
cim : on
ipmi : on
ipmi-kcs : on
rest : on
slp : on
snmp : off
ssdp : on
cli : on
web : on