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ethtousb command

Use the ethtousb command to display and configure Ethernet to Ethernet-over-USB port mapping.

The command allows you to map an external Ethernet port number to a different port number for Ethernet-over-USB.

Running the ethtousb command with no options displays Ethernet-over-USB information. The following table shows the arguments for the options.

Table 1. ethtousb command. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.
-enEthernet-over-USB stateenabled, disabled
-mxConfigure port mapping for index xPort pair, separated by a colon (:), of the form port1:port2


  • The port index number, x, is specified as an integer from 1 to 10 in the command option.
  • port1 of the port pair is the External Ethernet port number.
  • port2 of the port pair is the Ethernet-over-USB port number.
-rmRemove port mapping for specified index1 through 10

Port map indexes are displayed using the ethtousb command with no options.

ethtousb [options]
-en state
-rm map_index
system> ethtousb  -en enabled -m1 100:200 -m2 101:201
system> ethtousb
-en enabled
-m1 100:200
-m2 101:201
system> ethtousb -rm 1