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snmpalerts command

Use this command to manage alerts sent via the SNMP.

Running snmpalerts with no options displays all SNMP alert settings. The following table shows the arguments for the options.

Table 1. snmpalerts command.

The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.

-statusSNMP alert statuson, off
-crtSets critical events that send alertsall, none, custom:te|vo|po|di|fa|cp|me|in|re|ot

Custom critical alert settings are specified using a pipe separated list of values of the form snmpalerts -crt custom:te|vo, where custom values are:

  • te: critical temperature threshold exceeded
  • vo: critical voltage threshold exceeded
  • po: critical power failure
  • di: hard disk drive failure
  • fa: fan failure
  • cp: microprocessor failure
  • me: memory failure
  • in: hardware incompatibility
  • re: power redundancy failure
  • ot: all other critical events
-crtenSend critical event alertsenabled, disabled
-wrnSets warning events that send alertsall, none, custom:rp|te|vo|po|fa|cp|me|ot

Custom warning alert settings are specified using a pipe separated list of values of the form snmpalerts -wrn custom:rp|te, where custom values are:

  • rp: power redundancy warning
  • te: warning temperature threshold exceeded
  • vo: warning voltage threshold exceeded
  • po: warning power threshold exceeded
  • fa: non-critical fan event
  • cp: microprocessor in degraded state
  • me: memory warning
  • ot: all other warning events
-wrnenSend warning event alertsenabled, disabled
-sysSets routine events that send alertsall, none, custom:lo|tio|ot|po|bf|til|pf|el|ne

Custom routine alert settings are specified using a pipe separated list of values of the form snmpalerts -sys custom:lo|tio, where custom values are:

  • lo: successful remote login
  • tio: operating system timeout
  • ot: all other informational and system events
  • po: system power on/off
  • bf: operating system boot failure
  • til: operating system loader watchdog timeout
  • pf: predicted failure (PFA)
  • el: event log 75% full
  • ne: network change
-sysenSend routine event alertsenabled, disabled
snmpalerts [options]
-status status
-crt event_type
-crten state
-wrn event_type
-wrnen state
-sys event_type
-sysen state