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chconfig command

Use this command to display and configure the Service Advisor settings.

  • The Service Advisor Terms and Conditions must be accepted, using the chconfig -li command option, before configuring any other parameters.
  • All contact information fields, as well as the Service Support Center field (using chconfig -sc command option), are required before the Support of Service Advisor can be enabled.
  • All HTTP Proxy fields must be set, if an HTTP proxy is required.

The following table shows the arguments for the options.

Table 1. chconfig command. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.
-liView or accept the Service Advisor Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions must be accepted before configuring any other parameters.
view, accept
-saSupport status of the Service Advisor
To enable Service Advisor, the following criteria must be met:
  • The country code is required.

  • All options in the Service Advisor Contact Information are required.

enabled, disabled
-scCountry code for the Service Support CenterTwo-character ISO country code
Service Advisor contact information options:
-cnName of primary contact personQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-cphPhone number of primary contact personQuote-delimited string (5 - 30 characters)
-ceEmail address of primary contact person
Alphanumeric characters ‘.’, ‘-’ or ‘_’ are acceptable as userid or hostname. Email address must contain at least two domain items and the last domain item should be 2–4 alphabetic characters.
Valid email address of the form userid@hostname (30 characters maximum)
-coOrganization or company name of primary contact personQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-caAddress of the machine locationQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-cciCity of the machine locationQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-csState of the machine locationQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-czPostal code of the machine locationQuote-delimited string (9 characters maximum)
Alternate Service Advisor contact information options:
-anName of alternate contact personQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-aphPhone number of alternate contact personQuote-delimited string (5 - 30 characters)
-aeEmail address of alternate contact person
Alphanumeric characters ‘.’, ‘-’ or ‘_’ are acceptable as userid or hostname. Email address must contain at least two domain items and the last domain item should be 2–4 alphabetic characters.
Valid email address of the form userid@hostname (30 characters maximum)
-aoOrganization or company name of alternate contact personQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-aaAddress of the alternate machine locationQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-aciCity of the alternate machine locationQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-asState of the alternate machine locationQuote-delimited string (30 characters maximum)
-azPostal code of the alternate machine locationQuote-delimited string (9 characters maximum)
HTTP proxy settings options:
-locHTTP proxy locationFully qualified host name or IP address for HTTP proxy (63 characters maximum)
-poHTTP proxy portValid port number (1 - 65535)
-psHTTP proxy statusenabled, disabled
-pwHTTP proxy passwordValid password, quote-delimited (15 characters maximum)
-epwHTTP proxy encrypted passwordValid password, quote-delimited (15 characters maximum)
-uHTTP proxy user nameValid user name, quote-delimited (30 characters maximum)
-testTest http proxy 
chconfig [options]
-li view|accept
-sa enable|disable
-sc service_country_code
-ce contact_email
-cn contact_name
-co company_name
-cph contact_phone
-cpx contact_extension_phone
-an alternate_contact_name
-ae alternate_contact_email
-aph alternate_contact_phone
-apx alternate_contact_extension_phone
-mp machine_phone_number
-loc hostname/ip_address
-po proxy_port
-ps proxy_status
-pw proxy_pw
-ccl machine_country_code
-u proxy_user_name