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storage command

Use this command to display and configure (if supported by the platform) information about the server's storage devices that are managed by the IMM.

The following table shows the arguments for the options.
Table 1. storage command. The following table is a multi-row three column table consisting of the options, option descriptions, and associated values for the options.
-listList the storage targets managed by the IMM.controllers|pools|volumes|drives

Where target is:

  • controllers: list the supported RAID controllers1
  • pools: list the storage pools associated with the RAID controller1
  • volumes: list the storage volumes associated with the RAID controller1
  • drives: list the storage drives associated with the RAID controller1
-list -target target_idList the storage targets managed by the IMM according to the target_id.pools|volumes|drives ctrl[x]|pool[x]

Where target and target_id are:

  • pools ctrl[x]: list the storage pools associated with the RAID controller, based on the target_id1
  • volumes ctrl[x]|pool[x]: list the storage volumes associated with the RAID controller, based on the target_id1
  • drives ctrl[x]|pool[x]: list the storage drives associated with the RAID controller, based on the target_id1
-list flashdimmsList the Flash DIMMs managed by the IMM. 
-list devicesDisplay the status of all disks and Flash DIMMS managed by the IMM. 
-show target_idDisplay information for the selected target that is managed by the IMM.Where target_id is:



-show target_id infoDisplay detailed information for the selected target that is managed by the IMM.Where target_id is:



-show target_id firmware3Display the firmware information for the selected target that is managed by the IMM.Where target_id is:


-showlog target_id<m:n|all>3Display the event logs of the selected target that is managed by the IMM.Where target_id is: ctrl[x]4


Where m:n is one to the maximum number of event logs

Where all are all of the event logs

-config ctrl -scanforgn -target target_id3Detect the foreign RAID configuration.Where target_id is: ctrl[x]5
-config ctrl -imptforgn -target target_id3Import the foreign RAID configuration.Where target_id is: ctrl[x]5
-config ctrl -clrforgn -target target_id3Clear the foreign RAID configuration.Where target_id is: ctrl[x]5
-config ctrl -clrcfg -target target_id3Clear the RAID configuration.Where target_id is: ctrl[x]5
-config drv -mkoffline -target target_id3Change the drive state from online to offline.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -mkonline -target target_id3Change the drive state from offline to online.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -mkmissing -target target_id3Mark the offline drive as an unconfigured good drive.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -prprm -target target_id3Prepare an unconfigured good drive for removal.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -undoprprm -target target_id3Cancel the prepare an unconfigured good drive for removal operation.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -mkbad -target target_id3Change the unconfigured good drive to a unconfigured bad drive.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -mkgood -target target_id3Change an unconfigured bad drive to a unconfigured good drive.


Convert the just a bunch of disks (JBOD) drive to an unconfigured good drive.

Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -addhsp -[dedicated pools] -target target_id3Assign the selected drive as a hot spare to one controller or to existing storage pools.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config drv -rmhsp -target target_id3Remove the hot spare.Where target_id is: disk[x]5
-config vol -remove -target target_id3Remove one volume.Where target_id is: vol[x]5
-config vol -set [-N] [-w] [-r ] [-i] [-a] [-d] [-b] -target target_id3Modify the properties of one volume.
  • [-N volume_name] is the name of the volume
  • [-w <0|1|2>] is the cache write policy:
    • Type 0 for the Write Through policy
    • Type 1 for the Write Back policy
    • Type 2 for the Write With Battery Backup Unit (BBU) policy
  • [-r <0|1|2>] is the cache read policy:
    • Type 0 for the No Read Ahead policy
    • Type 1 for the Read Ahead Policy
    • Type 2 for the Adaptive Read Ahead policy
  • [-i <0|1>] is the cache I/O policy:
    • Type 0 for the Direct I/O policy
    • Type 1 for the Cached I/O policy
  • [-a <0|2|3>] is the access policy:
    • Type 0 for the Read Write policy
    • Type 2 for the Read Only policy
    • Type 3 for the Blocked policy
  • [-d <0|1|2>] is the disk cache policy:
    • Type 0 if the policy is unchanged
    • Type 1 to enable policy6
    • Type 2 to disable policy
  • [-b <0|1>] is the background initialization:
    • Type 0 to enable initialization
    • Type 1 to disable initialization
  • -target_id is vol[x]5

-config vol -add<[-R] [-D disk] [-H disk] [-1 hole]> [-N] [-w] [-r]3,7

Create one volume for a new storage pool when the target is a controller.


Create one volume with an existing storage pool when the target is a storage pool.

  • [-R <0|1|5|1E|6|10|50|60|00|1ERLQ0|1E0RLQ0>] This option defines the RAID level and is only used with a new storage pool
  • [-D disk [id11]:disk[id12]:..disk[id21]:disk[id22]:..] This option defines the drive group (including spans) and is only used with a new storage pool
  • [-H disk [id1]:disk[id2]:..]This option defines the hot spare group and is only used with a new storage pool
  • [-1 hole] This option defines the index number of the free hole space for an existing storage pool
  • [-N volume_name] is the name of the volume
  • [-w <0|1|2>] is the cache write policy:
    • Type 0 for the Write Through policy
    • Type 1 for the Write Back policy
    • Type 2 for the Write With Battery Backup Unit (BBU) policy
  • [-r <0|1|2>] is the cache read policy:
    • Type 0 for the No Read Ahead policy
    • Type 1 for the Read Ahead policy
    • Type 2 for the Adaptive Read Ahead policy
-config vol -add[-i] [-a] [-d] [-f] [-S] [-P] -target target_id3Create one volume for a new storage pool when the target is a controller.


Create one volume with an existing storage pool when the target is a storage pool.

  • [-i <0|1>] is the cache I/O policy:
    • Type 0 for the Direct I/O policy
    • Type 1 for the Cached I/O policy
  • [-a <0|2|3>] is the access policy:
    • Type 0 for the Read Write policy
    • Type 2 for the Read Only policy
    • Type 3 for the Blocked policy
  • [-d <0|1|2>] is the disk cache policy:
    • Type 0 if the policy remains unchanged
    • Type 1 to enable the policy6
    • Type 2 to disable the policy
  • [-f <0/1/2>] is the type of initialization:
    • Type 0 for no initialization
    • Type 1 for quick initialization
    • Type 2 for full initialization
  • [-S volume_size] is the size of the new volume in MB
  • [-P strip_size] is the volume strip size for example, 128K or 1M
  • -target target_id is:
    • ctrl[x] (new storage pool)5
    • pool[x] (existing storage pool)5
-config vol -getfreecap[-R] [-D disk] [-H disk] -target target_id3Get the free capacity amount of the drive group.
  • [-R <0|1|5|1E|6|10|50|60|00|1ERLQ0|1E0RLQ0>] This option defines the RAID level and is only used with a new storage pool
  • [-D disk [id11]:[id12]:..[id21]:[id22]:..] This option defines the drive group (including spans) and is only used with a new storage pool
  • [-H disk [id1]:[id2]:..]This option defines the hot spare group and is only used with a new storage pool
  • -target target_id is:
    • ctrl[x]5
-helpDisplay the command usage and options 
  1. This command is only supported on servers where the IMM can access the RAID controller.
  2. Firmware information is displayed only for associated controllers, disks, and Flash DIMMs. Firmware information for associated pools and volumes are not displayed.
  3. Information is displayed on multiple lines due to space limitations.
  4. This command is only supported on servers that support RAID logs.
  5. This command is only supported on servers that support RAID configurations.
  6. The Enable value does not support RAID level 1 configurations.
  7. A partial list of available options are listed here. The remaining options for the storage -config vol -add command are listed in the following row.
storage [options]
-config ctrl|drv|vol -option [-options] -target target_id
-list controllers|pools|<strong className="ph b">volumes|drives</strong>
-list pools -target ctrl[x]
-list volumes -target ctrl[x]|pool[x]
-list drives -target ctrl[x]|pool[x]
-list devices
-list flashdimms
-show target_id
-show {ctrl[x]|pool[x]|disk[x]|vol[x]|flashdimm[x]} info
-show {ctrl[x]|disk[x]|flashdimm[x]}firmware
-showlog ctrl[x]m:n|all
-h help
system> storage
-config ctrl -clrcfg -target ctrl[0]
system> storage
-config ctrl -clrforgn -target ctrl[0]
system> storage
-config ctrl -imptforgn -target ctrl[0]
system> storage
-config ctrl -scanforgn -target ctrl[0]
Detect 1 foreign configuration(s) on controller ctrl[0]
system> storage
-config drv -addhsp -dedicated pool[0-1] -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -addhsp -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -mkbad -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -mkgood -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -mkmissing -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -mkoffline -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -mkonline -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -prprm -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -rmhsp -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config drv -undoprprm -target disk[0-0]
system> storage
-config vol -add -1 1 -target pool[0-1]
system> storage
-config vol -add -R 1 -D disk[0-0]:disk[0-1] -w 1 -r 2 -i 0 -a 0 -d 0 -f 0
-N LD_volume -S 100000 -P 64K -H disk[0-2] -target ctrl[0]
system> storage
-config vol -getfreecap -R 1 -D disk[0-0]:disk[0-1] -H disk[0-2] -target ctrl[0]
The drive group configuration is good with free capacity 500000MB
system> storage
-config vol -remove -target vol[0-1]
system> storage
-config vol -set -N LD_volume -w 0 -target vol[0-0]
system> storage
-list controllers
ctrl[0] ServerRAID M5110e(Slot No. 0)
ctrl[1] ServerRAID M5110f(Slot No. 1)
system> storage
-list drives
disk[0-0] Drive 0
disk[0-1] Drive 1
disk[0-2] Drive 2
system> storage
-list flashdimms
flashdimm[1] Flash DIMM 1
flashdimm[4] Flash DIMM 4
flashdimm[9] Flash DIMM 9
system> storage
-list pools
pool[0-0] Storage Pool 0
pool[0-1] Storage Pool 1
system> storage
-list volumes
system>storage -list volumes
vol[0-0] Volume 0
vol[0-1] Volume 1
Vol[0-2] Volume 2
system> storage
-list drives -target ctrl[0]
disk[0-0] Drive 0
disk[0-1] Drive 1
disk[0-2] Drive 2
system> storage
-list drives -target pool[0-0]
disk[0-0] Drive 0
disk[0-1] Drive 1
system> storage
-list pools -target ctrl[0]
pool[0-0] Storage Pool 0
system> storage
-list volumes -target ctrl[0]
vol[0-0] Volume 0
vol[0-1] Volume 1
system> storage
-list volumes -target pool[0-0]
vol[0-0] Volume 0
vol[0-1] Volume 1
system> storage
-show ctrl[0] firmware
Total Firmware number: 2
Name: RAID Firmware1
Description: RAID Firmware
Manfacture: IBM
Version: 4.01(3)T
Release Date: 01/05/2013
Name: RAID Firmware2
Description: RAID Firmware
system> storage
-show ctrl[0] info
Product Name: ServerRAID M5110e
Firmware Package Version:
Battery Backup: Installed
Manufacture: IBM
UUID: 1234567890123456
Model Type / Model: 1234AHH
Serial No.: 12345678901
FRU No.: 5005076049CC4
Part No.: LSI2004
Cache Model Status: Unknown
Cache Model Memory Size: 300MB
Cache Model Serial No.: PBKUD0XTA0P04Y
PCI Slot Number: 0
PCI Bus Number: 2
PCI Device Number: 2
PCI Function Number: 10
PCI Device ID: 0x1000
PCI Subsystem Device ID: 0x1413
Ports: 2
Port 1: 12345678901234
Port 2: 12345678901235
Storage Pools: 2
pool[0-0] Storage Pool 0
pool[0-1] Storage Pool 1
Drives: 3
disk[0-0] Drive 0
disk[0-1] Drive 1
disk[0-2] Drive 2
system> storage
-show disk[0-0] firmware
Total Firmware number: 1
Name: Drive
Version: BE24
Release Date:
system> storage
-show disk[0-0] info
Product Name: ST98394893
State: Online
Slot No.: 0
Disk Type: SATA
Media Type: HHD
Health Status: Normal
Capacity: 100.000GB
Speed: 6.0Gb/s
Current Temperature: 33C
Manufacture: ATA
Device ID: 5
Enclusure ID: 0x00FC
Machine Type:
Serial No.: 9XKJKL
FRU No.:
Part No.:
system> storage
-show flashdimm[15]
Name: CPU1 DIMM 15
Health Status: Normal
Operational Status: Online
Capacity(GB): 400GB
Model Type: DDR3
Part Number: 93E40400GGM101PAT
FRU S/N: 44000000
Manuf ID: Diablo Technologies
Temperature: 0C
Warranty Writes: 100%
Write Endurance: 100%
F/W Level: A201.0.0.49152
system> storage
-show pool[0-0]
RAID State: RAID 0
RAID Capacity: 67.000GB (0.000GB free)
Drives: 2
disk[0-0] Drive 0
disk[0-1] Drive 1
Volumes: 2
vol[0-0] Volume 0
vol[0-1] Volume 1
system> storage
-show pool[0-1] info
RAID State: RAID 1
RAID Capacity: 231.898GB (200.000GB free)
Holes: 2
#1 Free Capacity: 100.000GB
#2 Free Capacity: 100.000GB

Drives: 2
disk[0-1] Drive 1
disk[0-2] Drive 2

Volume: 1
vol[0-1] LD_volume
system> storage
-show vol[0-0]
Name: Volume 0
Stripe Size: 64KB
Status: Offline
Capacity: 100.000GB
system> storage
-show vol[0-0] info
Name: LD_volume
Status: Optimal
Stripe Size: 64KB
Bootable: Not Bootable
Capacity: 231.898GB
Read Policy: No Read Ahead
Write Policy: Write Through
I/O Policy: Direct I/O
Access Policy: Read Write
Disk Cache Policy: Unchanged
Background Initialization: Enable