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Matrix for OneCLI V2.3.0 and OneCLI V2.4.0 return codes

This section describes the matrix for OneCLI V2.3.0 and OneCLI V2.4.0 return codes.

Table 1. Matrix of return codes between OneCLI V2.3.0 and OneCLI V2.4.0
Return codesDescriptionReturn codesDescription
1Invalid command.4Invalid command.
2Generic failure.1Generic failure.
3XML file is missing.6Local file does not exist.
4Restart OS Failure.23Failed to restart host system.
5Failed to connect.13Failed to connect.
6Platform error.25Function not supported on target system.
7Input xml file format error.7The file is not valid.
8OPEN DLL FAILURE.17Internal error.
9GET NULL POINTER.17Internal error.
10NO INTERFACE FOUND.17Internal error.
11RETURN INVALID RESULT.17Internal error.
12Unknown exception.1Generic failure.
13Invalid parameter.5Invalid parameter.
14Local file does not exist.6Local file does not exist.
15Failed to create directory.8Failed to create directory.
16Failed to read or write file.9Failed to open file.
17Ping BMC failed.14Ping failed.
18Fail to get XCC account through KCS.19Fail to get XCC account through KCS.
  • BMC Lan Over USB device driver is not detected (for windows).

  • Miss some tools, such as: lsusb, lsmod, and modprobe (for linux).

  • LAN-over-USB device is not detected. Make sure that RNDIS is correctly installed (for windows).

  • LAN-over-USB device is not detected. Make sure that following tools are installed: lsusb, lsmod, and modprobe (for linux).

20No package needs update.110No package needs update.
21Users are running on a blue system. Do not use proxy uxspi in onecli extract path when set the executable binary of UXSPI path in global.config.20Users are running on a blue system. Do not use proxy uxspi in onecli extract path when set the executable binary of UXSPI path in global.config.
22Authentication with BMC failed.12Authentication failed.
23Authentication failed by FTP server.12Authentication failed.
24Fail to create directory or put file in FTP server: No such file or directory, or permission denied for the specified user name.15Upload failed.
25LXCE has no enable permission. Enable BMC Lan Over USB device manually.21LAN-over-USB device is disabled on BMC side. Enable it manually.
26Fail to upload data to specified FTP server.15Upload failed.
27Fail to connect through IPMI.13Failed to connect.
28Ping CMM failed.14Ping failed.
29Fail to get driver information.1Generic failure.
30Fail to get machine type.0x01/1Generic failure.
31Fail to get firmware information.1Generic failure.
32Fail to read inventory XML.10Failed to read file.
33Fail to write inventory XML.11Failed to write file.
34Fail to write inventory HTML.11Failed to write file.
35UXSP xml do not exist. Check the UXSP package.6Local file does not exist.
96Failed to run the command.1Generic failure.
97Failed to get information.125Failed to get information.
98Failed to set the setting items.124Failed to set the setting items.
99Failed to open the file.9Failed to open file.
100Failed to read the file.10Failed to read file.
101Failed to write the file.11Failed to write file.
102Failed to generate/export/import/delete certification.123Failed to generate/export/import/delete certification.
103Failed to reconnect to BMC after the command is executed successfully. Users could try another method to check the result.122Failed to reconnect to BMC after the command is executed successfully. Users could try another method to check the result.
104One or more commands are not valid in the batch file.121One or more commands are not valid in the batch file.
105Failed to show the instance setting. The instance should be created at first.120Failed to show the instance setting. The instance should be created at first.
106Invalid value for set command.119Invalid value for set command.
64Update error: Acquire command failed.1Generic failure.
65Update error: Scan command failed.1Generic failure.
66Update error: Query command failed.1Generic failure.
67Update error: Compare command failed.1Generic failure.
68Update error: Flash command failed.1Generic failure.
69Update error: File related error occurred, see log/xml for more information.11Failed to write file.
70Update error: CIM service fails. See log/xml for more information.1Generic failure.
71Update error: There is something wrong with the device. See log/xml for more information.120Update error: There is something wrong with the device. See log/xml for more information.
72Update error: Failed to generate common_result.xml.11Failed to write file.
73Could not get OS type using scan command.111Failed to get OS type.
74Invalid/unsupported machine type.104No applicable update available on the repository for specified machine-type/OS.
75Invalid/unsupported OS.112Current Operating System is not supported.
76Authentication failed, unable to validate userid/password.12Authentication failed.
77Update error: Flash finished running, however multiple packages failed to be flashed. Check flash status xml for more information.11Failed to write file.
78Users are running on an IBM system. Make sure that UXSPI_PATH is set correctly to the executable binary of UXSPI in global.config.114Users are running on an IBM system. Make sure that UXSPI_PATH is set correctly to the executable binary of UXSPI in global.config.
79Users are running on an IBM system. But the current command is not supported in UXSPI.109Users are running against an IBM system, but the current command is not supported.
80Update blue not supported.109Users are running against an IBM system, but the current command is not supported.
81UXSPI does not run successfully, to trace error, see log relate to UXSPI.17Internal error.
82Update module was not able to write to XML file.11Failed to write file.
83Update flash module failure: failed to run flash with ESXi. See log/xml for more detail information.1Generic failure.
84Update flash module failure: failed to run flash with IOSwitch. See log/xml for more detail information.1Generic failure.
85Update flash module failure: failed to run flash with CMM Update. See log/xml for more detail information.1Generic failure.
86Update flash module failure: failed to run flash with OOB. See log/xml for more detail information.1Generic failure.
87Update flash module failure: Error occurred when running xFirmware for in-band flash.1Generic failure.
88Update flash module failure: Error occurred when running Option Update for in-band flash.1Generic failure.
90Update flash failure: Error payload file does not exist.7Local file does not exist. (dynamic message)
91Update flash failure: Error backup does not support.108Backup bank does not exist.
92The BMC default internal IP conflicts with external machine. Correct the problem, and try again.22The BMC default internal IP conflicts with external machine. Correct the problem, and try again.
94Update flash failure: current BMC does not support internal SFTP for this case.123Current BMC version does not support this package. Upgrade BMC to the latest version, and try again.
95Update application fails to run.1Generic failure.
208Download SMM FFDC error: setup environment failed.125Download SMM FFDC error: setup environment failed.
209Download SMM FFDC error: start dump failed.124Download SMM FFDC error: start dump failed.
210Download SMM FFDC error: query failed.123Download SMM FFDC error: query failed.
211Download SMM FFDC error: tar ffdc files failed.1222Download SMM FFDC error: tar ffdc files failed.
212Download SMM FFDC error: upload path does not exist.15Upload failed.
213Download SMM FFDC error: upload failed.15Upload failed.
214Download SMM FFDC error: tftp server is not found.121Download SMM FFDC error: tftp server is not found.
215Download SMM FFDC error: time-out.18Time-out.
216Download SMM FFDC error: unknown error.1Generic failure.
217FFDC log is uploaded to the specified FTP/TFTP server, but fails to download FFDC log from FTP/TFTP server.120FFDC log is uploaded to the specified FTP/TFTP server, but fails to download FFDC log from FTP/TFTP server.
218Failed to get FFDC log.119Failed to get FFDC log.
176Raid config fails to operate.125Raid config fails to operate.
177Raid config ini file error.124Raid config ini file error.
178Raid config has no config to operate.123Raid config has no config to operate.
179Raid config does not need make good.122Raid config does not need make good.
180Raid config does not need make jbod.121Raid config does not need make jbod.
52Fail to trigger diags.18Fail to trigger diags.
53Fail to get status of diags.124Fail to get status of diags.
54Fail to get result file.123Fail to get result file.
55Diagnostics time-out.18Time-out.
128Failed to run the command.1Generic failure.
129The FoD key file is not valid.125The FoD key file is not valid.
130Specified machine type or serial number is not valid.124Specified machine type or serial number is not valid.
131The FoD key file is not found.123The FoD key file is not found.
132Authentication failed.12Authentication failed.
133The FoD key is not found from target key repository.122The FoD key is not found from target key repository.
134The FoD key ID is not valid.121The FoD key ID is not valid.
135Active key exists in KMS Web site.120Active key exists in KMS Web site.
136Authentication code does not exist.119Authentication code does not exist.
137Unique identifier is not valid.118Unique identifier is not valid.
138Failed to install the FoD key.117Failed to Install the FoD key.
139Failed to uninstall the FoD key.116Failed to export the FoD key.
140Failed to export the FoD key.115Fail to export the FoD key.
141Failed to report the FoD key.114Failed to report the FoD key.
142Failed to get current tier.113Failed to get current tier.
221Switch does not support EHCM or the CMM build is not supported to check EHCM.118Switch does not support EHCM or the CMM build is not supported to check EHCM.
222Check EHCM time-out because the EHCMState is busy or setting up.18Time-out.
223Reseat failed.1Generic failure.