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Configuration return codes

This section describes configuration-related return codes.

  • For config-related return codes, see Table 1.

Table 1. OneCLI config-related return codes
Return codesDescription
91Failed to display one or more setttings.
92Invalid data field.
93Failed to change the settings. It is recommended to change the settings in batch mode by using the provided password.
94The required FoD key has not been installed.
95The setting has invalid current value.
96Operation unavailable. Users should wait a moment and try again.
97Certificate does not exist.
98The default value is empty.
99Invalid e-maill address of destination.
100The current version of firmware does not support this function. To resolve this issue, update the target firmware to the latest version.
101Redfish internal error.
102Failed to parse BMC data.
103BMC data error.
104The command is not supported on current system.
105Query BMC error.
106Invalid certificate template file.
107Failed restoration.
108Failed replication.
109No privilege to complete this operation.
110Previous passwords are not allowed. Try another passwords.
111The password does not meet password policy requirements.
112User already exists.
113Failed to run commands when executing batch command.
114BMC internal error: No priviledge to complete this operation.
115Invalid setting value.
116Failed to display the instance setting. Create the instance first.
117Invalid commands in the batch file.
118Failed to reconnect to BMC after the command is executed successfully. To check the result, try another method.
119Failed to generate, export, import, or delete certificates.
120Failed to set the setting items.
121Failed to get information.
122Create the record key of instance first.
123Unable to find setting.
124BMC internal error.
125Failed to run command.