Update return codes
This section describes update-related return codes.
For update-related return codes, see Table 1.
Return codes | Description |
82 | No applicable hardware component found, or the same/later version of applicable packages have been installed. |
83 | The specified fixid is invalid. |
84 | Current BMC avaliable space not enough. |
85 | Compress bundle zip failed. |
86 | Staged. |
87 | Verify bundle failed. |
88 | Incompatible compare/query/scan xml result. |
89 | Current or later version of applicable packages have been installed. |
96 | Maintenance Mode OS is in booting progress, or the previous Maintenance Mode OS exit abnormally. To complete the process, run the following command:
97 | Invalid or corrupted firmware image. |
98 | Fix package does not contain RPMs for this version of OS. |
99 | The --remoteos option is not supported on Windows platform. |
100 | Packages exist in local and sftp servers, but in different sizes. Users should check the packages. |
101 | Failed to download some update packages. |
102 | An unrecoverable error is met. |
103 | Failed to connect to the repository. |
104 | No applicable update available on the repository for specified machine-type/OS. |
105 | Update package not found. |
106 | Users are running on an IBM system. Make sure UXSPI_PATH is set correctly to the executable binary of UXSPI in global.config. |
107 | Failed to flash multiple packages. For details, see flash status XML file. |
108 | Backup bank does not exist. |
109 | Users are running on an IBM system, but the current command is not supported. |
110 | No package needs to be updated. |
111 | Failed to get OS type. |
112 | Current Operating System is not supported. |
113 | Failed to connect to the remote server due to the SSL CA certificates are invalid. |
114 | Failed to boot into Maintenance Mode OS. |
115 | BMC RDOC space not enough. Remove other mounted device from BMC RDOC. |
116 | Failed to prepare update environment. |
117 | Another update is in progress. |
118 | Target system is not in a valid status for update. |
119 | Current BMC setting disallows downgrade. |
120 | The candidate update is earlier than the allowed minimum version. |
121 | Failed to update due to this device does not support current method. |
122 | Failed to update due to this package does not support current method |
123 | Current BMC version does not support this package. Upgrade BMC to latest version and try again. |
124 | Update does not take effect after being flash successfully. |
125 | Skip updating this package. |
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